ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0 8th International Congress on Archaeology, Computer Graphics, Cultural Heritage and Innovation

ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0 8th International Congress on Archaeology, Computer Graphics, Cultural Heritage and Innovation

Dal 5 al 7 Settembre 2016 a Valencia, Spagna, si svolgerà l'ottavo Congresso Internazione su Archeologia, Computer Grafica, Beni Culturali e Innovazione (ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0). Il tema del congresso è "Documentazione 3D avanzata, modellazione e ricostruzione di oggetti beni culturali, dei monumenti e di siti.

Ricercatori, professori, archeologi, architetti, ingegneri, storici dell'arte, dall'archeologia, la computer grafica e la geomatica, che si occupano di beni culturali, sono inviati a condividere la conoscenza e le esperienze nel campo dell'archeologia virtuale.
E' molto apprezzata la partecipazione di ricercatori ben conosciuti ed aziende. Un programma attraente e interessante è predisposto per i partecipanti e visitatori.

ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0 – 2016 è organizzato dalla Società Spagnola di Archeologia Virtuale (SEAV), il Virtual Archaeology International Network (INNOVA), e l'Università Politecnica di Valencia in collaborazione con CIPA Heritage Documentation.

Gli autori possono contribuire in differenti modi: articoli scientifici peer-reviewed, work in progress, dimostrazioni.
Le aree tematiche di interesse sono:

- Acquisizione dei dati con rilievo metrico, fotogrammetria, telerilevamento e device geofisici
- Documentazione del patrimonio culturale
- Digitalizzazione high-end e modellazione 3D di oggetti, monumenti e siti
- Conservazione e restauro virtuale
- Archeologia virtuale
- Architettura vituale
- Musei virtuali
- Mostre virtuali
- Gaming per i beni culturali
- Ambienti collaborativi per i beni culturali
- Tecnologie internet e social media in archeologia

Sito web:


English Version

ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0 - 8th International Congress on Archaeology, Computer Graphics, Cultural Heritage and Innovation
5 - 7 September, 2016
Vera Campus, Universitat Politècnica de València
Valencia, Spain

On behalf of the Organisation Committee of the International Congress on Archaeology, Computer Graphics, Cultural Heritage and Innovation ‘ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0’, it is a pleasure to invite our colleagues from all over the world to come to the 8th Edition of ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0 in Valencia, Spain, 5th – 7th September 2016. The lemma of the Congress is: ‘Advanced 3D documentation, modelling and reconstruction of cultural heritage objects, monuments and sites’.

Researchers, professors, archaeologists, architects, engineers, art historians… from archaeology, computer graphics and geomatics dealing with cultural heritage are invited to share knowledge and experiences in the field of Virtual Archaeology. The participation of well-known researchers and enterprises is very much appreciated. An attractive and interesting schedule is arranged for the participants and visitors.

ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0 – 2016 is organised by the Spanish Society of Virtual Archaeology (SEAV), the Virtual Archaeology International Network (INNOVA), and the Universitat Politècnica de València in cooperation with CIPA Heritage Documentation.

Papers and Contributions

Authors may contribute in several ways:

1. Scientific peer-reviewed papers: Scientific peer-reviewed papers: Papers with a minimum of 5 pages (based on the MS Word Arqueologica2016_Template_DOI). They should report innovative and outstanding research works and activities. They will be assigned to oral or poster presentations after a review process (at least 2 reviewers per paper). The electronic proceedings (USB book with ISBN and papers with DOI) of Arqueológica 2.0 8th International Congress will be based on scientific papers. Some selected contributions, successfully extended, will be published in Virtual Archaeology Review (VAR).

2. Works in progress: Short papers up to 3 pages (based on the MS Word Arqueologica2016_Template) with figures. They should report on-going projects with some initial but interesting results. They will be assigned to poster presentations (both hard-copy and soft-copy fast-tract). All the short papers will make up the ‘Work in Progress’ book and will be included in the USB of the congress.

All papers in 1 & 2 will be submitted in English (although Spanish is also accepted). Online submission webpage:

3. Showcases (Demo sessions): participants from academia, research institutes and companies are invited to show and demonstrate their tools, programmes and developments during Demo Sessions which will be included in the technical program. If you are willing to showcase your results or products, please contact Fabio Remondino (Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.).

Thematic Areas

    Data acquisition with metric, photogrammetric, remote sensing and geophysical devices
    Documentation of cultural heritage
    High-end digitisation and 3D modelling of objects, monuments and sites
    Virtual conservation/restoration
    Virtual archaeology
    Virtual architecture
    Virtual museums
    Virtual Exhibitions
    Cultural heritage gaming
    Collaborative environments for cultural heritage
    Internet technologies and social media in archaeology


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