In Archeofoss 2020, Julian Bogdani presented a discussion on methodological issues and practical solutions regarding the development and publication of open standards for the vectorization of archaeological and architectonic topographic legacy data (abstract in
To design specific cartographic and topographic themes fit for publication, there is a need to have maps of various scales digitized, vectorized and georeferenced. Usually, this material is quite heterogeneous depending on multiple aspects: scale, graphical styling and topographic accuracy. Therefore, the degree of interpretation and reconstructive hypothesis varies greatly from one map to another.
These processes entail risks, primarily creating a CAD-based, muted vector theme, a sort of digital-analogical copy of the paper version. Thus, in the Atlas (, it was decided to enrich the vector features with semantics, through the drafting of a simple but powerful schema able to encode concisely but exhaustively all sorts of information that a common archaeological and/or architectonic sketch is able to convey.
This approach considers the georeferencing and vectorization processes not as a purely mechanical or “join-the-dots” task, but as a critical archaeological reading and interpretation of the original drawing and its translation into digital format.
The resulting protocol named PAThs Simple Vectorization Protocol, or simply SVP, has been released as a Free Cultural Work with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
It’s possible to review this presentation on youtube:
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