Cultural Heritage in a Changing World, il libro del progetto RICHES

Cultural Heritage in a Changing World, il libro del progetto RICHES

Realizzato nell’ambito del progetto FP7 di ricerca “RICHES” (Renewal, Innovation & Change: Heritage and European Society: Rinnovamento, Innovazione e Cambiamento: Eredità culturale e Società Europea), che analizza il contesto di cambiamento della nostra società e dei beni culturali dovuto all’avvento dell’era digitale, il libro “Cultural Heritage in a Changing World” affronta una serie di argomenti chiave attraverso articoli e riflessioni di esperti di rilievo nel settore dei beni culturali.

Il libro, in lingua inglese, è diviso in 4 sezioni correlate fra loro: Context of Change; Mediated and Unmediated Heritage; Co-creation and Living Heritage for Social Cohesion; e Identity and Belonging.
L’introduzione e l’intero processo editoriale sono stati curati dai partner di RICHES Karol Jan Borowiecki (University of Southern Denmark), Neil Forbes (Coventry University) e Antonella Fresa (Promoter SRL).

Lista dei capitoli:
Context of Change

- Cultures and Technology: An Analysis of Some of the Changes in Progress—Digital, Global and Local Culture, by Mariella Combi
- Interdisciplinary Collaborations in the Creation of Digital Dance and Performance: A Critical Examination, by Sarah Whatley and Amalia G. Sabiescu
- Sound Archives Accessibility, by Silvia Calamai, Veronique Ginouvès and Pier Marco Bertinetto
- Technology and Public Access to Cultural Heritage: The Italian Experience on ICT for Public Historical Archives, by Calogero Guccio, Marco Ferdinando Martorana, Isidoro Mazza and Ilde Rizzo
- Copyright, Cultural Heritage and Photography: A Gordian Knot?, by Frederik Truyen and Charlotte Waelde

Mediated and Unmediated Heritage
- A Case Study of an Inclusive Museum: The National Archaeological Museum of Cagliari Becomes “Liquid”, by Anna Maria Marras, Maria Gerolama Messina, Donatella Mureddu and Elena Romoli
- The Museum as Information Space: Metadata and Documentation, by Trilce Navarrete and John Mackenzie Owen
- The Museum of Gamers: Unmediated Cultural Heritage Through Gaming, by Serdar Aydin and Marc Aurel Schnabel

Co-creation and Living Heritage for Social Cohesion
- Change of Museums by Change of Perspective: Reflecting Experiences of Museum Development in the Context of “EuroVision—Museums Exhibiting Europe” (EU Culture Programme), by Susanne Schilling
- Technologies Lead to Adaptability and Lifelong Engagement with Culture Throughout the Cloud, by Silvia de los Rios Perez, Maria Fernanda Cabrera-Umpierrez and Maria Teresa Arredondo
- The Place of Urban Cultural Heritage Festivals: The Case of London’s Notting Hill Carnival, by Ernest Taylor and Moya Kneafsey
- Tools You Can Trust? Co-design in Community Heritage Work, by Simon Popple and Daniel H. Mutibwa
- Crowdsourcing Culture: Challenges to Change, by Dora Constantinidis

- The Spanish Republican Exile: Identity, Belonging and Memory in the Digital World, by Lidia Bocanegra Barbecho and Maurizio Toscano
- Growing Up in the ‘Digital’ Age: Chinese Traditional Culture Is Coming Back in Digital Era, by Situ Xiaochun

Inoltre, un capitolo descrittivo sul progetto RICHES, e la tassonomia che è stata realizzata durante il progetto stesso, concludono il libro.


Il libro è disponibile e scaricabile gratuitamente come PDF attraverso questo link.


Per saperne di più sulla ricerca di RICHES: 

Su RICHES: come le tecnologie stanno cambiando la cultura?


Fonte: Digital Meets Culture

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