Silver brooch discovery in Spain reignites debates about the Capitoline Wolf

Silver brooch discovery in Spain reignites debates about the Capitoline Wolf

An archaeological find in Spain is poised to stir up discussions around the most iconic symbol of the Eternal City: a silver brooch depicting the Capitoline Wolf suckling the twins.

The statue of the wolf, known as the "Capitoline Wolf," is an iconic symbol of Rome, representing the legendary foundation of the city according to mythological tradition. The tale of Romulus and Remus, recounted by ancient authors like Livy and Plutarch, tells of twin brothers abandoned by their usurping uncle Amulius, only to be nurtured by a she-wolf on the banks of the Tiber River.

The female wolf statue stands as an icon of maternal protection, portraying her in a protective stance with her head turned outward, symbolizing vigilance over Romulus and Remus. This representation has left a lasting impact on Roman art and culture, being replicated and reinterpreted over the centuries with various artistic nuances.

The contentious dating of the totemic statue places it predominantly in the 5th century BC, attributed to Greek craftsmen. The twins, added later, likely during the Renaissance, emphasized the connection to the legend of Rome's foundation.

The discovery of the silver brooch in Spain was announced by the Department of Culture of the Generalitat Valenciana. Archaeologist Josep Carbó expressed satisfaction, stating that it is an exceptional piece due to its rarity and quality.

The brooch, dating back to the 2nd century AD, measures 4 cm and was unearthed during excavations of an ancient public building used for postal services in Roman times in Vilanova d’Alcolea.

This finding adds a new chapter to the story of the Capitoline Wolf, shedding further light on the significance of this iconic symbol in the history and art of ancient Rome.

Source: Archeomatica

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