Call for Special Issue “Virtual and Augment Reality for Edutainment” to be published in /Informatics/ (ISSN 2227-9709) ( an international open access journal
Guest Editors: Prof. Andrea Bottino; Prof. Valeria Minucciani; Dr. Francesco Strada
Submission Deadline: 30 April 2018
The topic of interest covers but is not limited to:
- Virtual environments for edutainment
- Augmented Reality for edutainment
- Design frameworks for VR/AR serious games
- Human Computer Interaction
- User/Player experience in edutainment
- Collaborative learning environments in VR/AR
- Distributed environments
- Interactive digital storytelling
- Virtual actors in edutainment
- User-related studies
For more details please visit the website:
All papers will be published free of charge if accepted after peer review and revision. sed to provide additional information if needed for your acceptance of the invitation.