Una sessione sull'archeometria all'International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference 2017

Una sessione sull'archeometria all'International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference 2017

Dal 22 al 25 maggio 2017 a Torino si terrà l'International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference IEEE-I2MTC 2017.  L'evento è dedicato alla ricerca, lo sviluppo e le applicazioni di strumentazioni e tecnologie di misura per promuovere il coinvolgimento del mercato e incrementare lo scambio tra i rappresentati delle aziende così come tra le aziende e i rappresentanti universitari.

Sono previste anche alcune sessioni speciali tra cui una dedicata all’archeometria e le misure per la conservazione del patrimonio culturale materiale.


Abstract della sessione "Instrumentation and measurement science and technology in Archaeometry and for the Conservation and Display of tangible Cultural Heritage"

In recent years, archaeology has taken great advantage from new scientific methods and technologies, or from crucial advances in the older ones; consequently, a richer and more persuasive account of the past has become available. Besides the ongoing infusion of new methods and procedures, new questions have emerged: how can the information from different disciplines be combined on a truly interdisciplinary base? How can this knowledge be made available for the general public? How can the historical artifacts and archaeological remains be properly preserved?

This session will be dedicated to face the several issues related to instrument and measurement science and technology when dealing with the tangible Cultural Heritage. Contributions on novel methods and procedures for managing multidisciplinary data, for the display (also on the web), the conservation and the restoration of archaeological and historical artefacts are encouraged. Moreover, new research and innovative/effective approaches for the characterization of ancient materials (stone, wood, glass, pottery, metals etc.) and dating will be also included.

Topics of interest
• Non-invasive and micro-invasive approaches for the characterization of materials
• Synchrotron, ion beam and neutron based techniques/instrumentation
• Tomography (X-ray, ultrasound, neutron, etc.)
• Spectroscopic methods
• Mobile instruments
• Digital Imaging and Computer Science
• Microclimate
• Geophysical survey and remote sensing
• Authentication and Detection of Forgery
• Provenance studies
• Dating
• Genetic data in archaeology, dietary reconstruction and zooarchaeology


Scarica la Call for Papers

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Fonte: AIAr

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