Ultimi giorni per presentare contributi per la XXI Conferenza Internazionale Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 21)

Ultimi giorni per presentare contributi per la XXI Conferenza Internazionale Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 21)

È aperta fino al 1 luglio 2016 la Call for Paper, Poster e App per la XXI Conferenza Internazionale Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 21) in programma a Vienna dal 16 al 18 Novembre 2016. Tema dell'edizione 2016 è "Urban Archaeology and Archaeological Data: Preservation, Re-use and Repurposing".

La Conferenza è rivolta a studiosi e professionisti di campi quali archeologia, antropologia, arte e storia dell'architettura, computer science, geografia, geomatica, conservazione storica, studi museali e storia urbana. Il programma è organizzato in sessioni con presentazioni orali, sessione poster e app.

I temi sui cui è possibile presentare contributi sono:

Sessioni: (Presentazioni di 20 min)

     Re-use of digital data
     Digging for digital divident
     Combining physical and digital
     New realities 2
     3D reconstruction
     (Inter)relating to the dead
     PhD/Master Session
     Mobile applications

Tavole Rotonde (Interventi di 5-10 min)

     Long-term preservation
     Integration between archaeology and history
     Social data in archaeology

Programma provvisorio


Christina SCHWARZ, (Finance Director, Wien Museum, Austria)

Keynote Speech
Wolfgang NEUBAUER, Austria (Director Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection and Virtual Archaeology, Austrian Scientist 2016)
The Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes Project

Preservation and Re-Use of Digital Archaeological Research Data with Open Archival Information Systems
Chairs: Valentijn GILISSEN, The Netherlands | Reiner GÖLDNER, Germany | Hella HOLLANDER, The Netherlands | Maurice HEINRICH, Germany | Julian RICHARDS, UK | Felix SCHÄFER, Germany

Digging for the Digital Dividend: Information Systems and Excavation Data
Chair: Benjamin DUCKE, Germany

The Employment of Mobile Applications for Survey, Documentation and Information
Chair: Claudiu SILVESTRU, Austria

Combining ‘physical’ and ‘digital’ in archaeological practice: collaborative visualisation during excavation
Chairs: Fabrizio GALEAZZI, UK | Peter JENSEN, Denmark

New realities2: virtual, augmented reality and other techniques in Cultural Heritage for the general public
Chairs: Willem BEEX, The Netherlands | Giorgio VERDIANI, Italy | Bernard FRISCHER, USA | Peter FERSCHIN, Austria

3D reconstruction as an interpretative melting pot of the (art-)historical data
Chairs: Piotr KUROCZYŃSKI, Germany | Fabrizio APOLLONIO, Italy | Stephan HOPPE, Germany

Photogrammetry in Underwater and Aerial Archaeology
Marco BLOCK-BERLITZ | Roman SCHOLZ, Germany | Luka BEKIC, Croatia

(Inter)relating to the Dead
Chairs: David BIBBY, Germany | Ann DEGRAEVE, Belgium | Raphael PANHUYSEN, The Netherlands | Karin WILTSCKE-SCHROTTA

PhD / Master Session
Chair: Benjamin STANGL, Austria


Long-term preservation and access: Where is an archive for my data?
Organisers: Edeltraud ASPÖCK | Guntram GESER, Austria

The integration between archaeology and history based on ICT
Organisers: Ann DEGRAEVE, Belgium | Irmela HERZOG, Germany

Target Groups, Users, Followers, Fans – The Nature and Potential of Social Data in Archaeology
Organiser: Carmen LÖW, Austria
Advanced Archaeological Trainings

Unknown Objects
Anthropological Workshop (associated with the Session “(INTER)RELATING TO THE DEAD”)
Organiser: Michaela BINDER | Karin WILTSCHKE-SCHROTTA, Austria


Call for Poster
Organiser: Peter DORNINGER, Austria

Call for App
Organiser: 7reasons, Austria
Social Events

Wednesday, 16th November, 7:30 pm – Opening Planungswerkstatt
Thursday, 17th November, 7:30 pm – Mayor’s Cocktail – Rathauskeller
Friday, 18th November, 7:30 pm – Informal Farewell (Location will be announced soon!)

Saturday 19th November (09:00am – 6pm) (Euro 28.-)
Excursion to Museum Asparn/Zaya and Museum Mistelbach (Stonehenge. A hidden landscape)

Fonte: CHNT www.chnt.at

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