Berlin, 30 August - 1 September 2017. The DCH2017 International Conference has been announced! The conference is open for contributions that cover technical challenges as well as strategic guidance. Key messages relating to the impact of new technologies and processes on cultural heritage are especially welcome.
• 30 August 2017: Conference starting (early morning)
• 01 September 2017: Conference ends (late afternoon)
Digital Meets Culture has been appointed as Media Partner of the International Conference.
Scope structure and Topics:
The conference is open for contributions that cover technical challenges as well as strategic guidance. Key messages relating to the impact of new technologies and processes on cultural heritage are especially welcome.
Our special aims:
• raise awareness in Society, Science, and Technology fields about importance of the cultural dimensions and the growing potential of Digital Cultural Heritage;
• promote innovative content analysis from cross-organizational interoperability of digital humanities databases and XML methods, techniques, and approaches;
• indicate on the central role of spatial concepts enabling synergy for knowledge generation from massive granular digital cultural heritage content;
• create innovative cross-disciplines / cross sectors partnerships facilitate intercultural and interdisciplinary dialogue;
• elaborate roles and interest of information society.
According to the CODATA principles of the broadest interdisciplinary discourse in the domain of Data for Science and Technology, contributions are expected from different fields of the science communities to exchange best practices and initiate recommendations for future research and development.
Submit abstract until March 27, 2016 using the EasyChair system:
Program Committee
- Raffaella Afferni Università del Piemonte Orientale Vercelli (ITA)
- Adrien Barbaresi Austrian & Berlin-Brandenburg Academies of Sciences Vienna (AUT) / Berlin (DEU)
- Thomas Brogan INSTAP Study Center for East Crete Crete (GRC)
- Manuele Buono Promoter srl Pisa (ITA)
- Pilar Chias Universidad de Alcalá Madrid (ESP)
- Jiří Drozda VUGTK Výzkumný Ústav Geodetický, Topografický a Kartografický Prague (CZE)
- Antonella Fresa Promoter srl Pisa (ITA)
- Mátyás Gede Eötvös Loránd University Budapest (HUN)
- Peter Jordan Austrian Academy of Sciences Vienna (AUT)
- Horst Kremers CODATA-Germany Berlin (DEU)
- Hedvika Kucharova Strahov Library (Strahovská Knihovna) Prague (CZE)
- Alfred Lameli Forschungszentrum Deutscher Sprachatlas Marburg (DEU)
- Maurizio Lana Università del Piemonte Orientale Vercelli (ITA)
- Ulf Preuß Koordinierungsstelle Brandenburg-digital Potsdam (DEU)
- Petr Pridal Klokan Technologies GmbH Unterageri (CHE)
- Pilar Sánchez-Ortiz Rodríguez National Geographic Institute Madrid (ESP)
- Kristina Skåden Institutt for Kulturstudier, University of Oslo Oslo (NOR)
- Zdenek Stachon Masaryk University Brno (CZE)
- Milan Talich VUGTK Výzkumný Ústav Geodetický, Topografický a Kartografický Prague (CZE)
- Francesca Tomasi Dip. di Filologia Classica e Italianistica, Università di Bologna Bologna (ITA)
- Vít Voženílek Faculty of Sciences, Palacky University Olomouc (CZE)
- Serena Sarah Weber Instituto Geográfico Agustin Codazzi Bogotá (COL)
Scope structure and Topics:
Multimedia Information Objects
Map, Picture, Video, Text, Sound objects: their permanent availability, cross-media and cross-organizational interoperability and innovative analysis
Digital Archives, Gazetteers, Search Machines, Multilingual Issues, Publishing, Portals Techniques, Organization, Legal aspects, Licenses, Curricula
Open Data, Open Software, and Open Access
Analysis / Workflow / Processes
Information Clusters, Abstraction of Mass
Information, Product composition, production, and use, Mashups, Tools for Searching and Fusing Web Databases, Collections and Archives Entities
Linking Multimedia Information /Information Fusion
Semantical networks interlinking massive digital cultural heritage databases (text libraries, archives, collections)
Knowledge / Culture Detection and Understanding, Intangible Heritage
User Interfaces
WEB 2.0, Web 3.0, e-Learning, Games, Crowd-sourcing, Community Involvement, social media
Cartographic Digital Sources
Scans, hyper/multi spectral imaging, 2D, 3D,
3D Clouds, Databases
Complex Use Cases / Application Scenarios / Best Practice / Customers
Cultural Sciences, History, Literature / Libraries
Museums, Archives, Archaeology, Language
Science, Journalism, Cartography, Geoinfor-mation Science, Spatial Relations, Situations and Scenarios, Cultural Landscape Research
Computational terminology and lexicography, spatial facts and contexts in digital corpora markup, annotation and analysis
Politics, Art, Religion, Social and Economic Sciences, The Media
Information Quality
for wide use and longtime accessibility for not yet well-known purposes, services and products
Current Large Realizations
Digital UNESCO Cultural Heritage, ICOMOS-CIPA, EUROPEANA, CLARIN, DARIAH, Domesday Project etc.
Strategies/ Demand/ Potential
Information Society, The Values of new types of Analysis and Representations
Science Disciplines / Professions involved:
Heritage Informatics, Culture Big Data, Cultural Diversity, Knowledge Fusion and Emergence, Dynamics of the Cultural Sector, Cultural Sciences, History, Language, Literature. Libraries, Museums, Collections, Archives, Archaeology, Cybercartography, Creative Industries, Cultural Heritage Risk, Threat and Monitoring, DCH Coalitions, Alliances and Experts Networks.
More information here:
Download the poster here:
The Conference will be organized by
the German National Committee for CODATA,
Committee on Data for Science and Technology of the
International Council for Science (ICSU)
in cooperation with
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kartographie
Staatsbibliothek Berlin
Map Department
Digital Heritage in the Nordic Countries
United Nations Group of Experts on Geographic Names
Associazione per L’Informatica Umanistica e La Cultura Digitale
Forschungszentrum Deutscher Sprachatlas
Universitetet i Oslo
Czech Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography
Digital meets Culture
Portal on Digital Cultural heritage
Excellence Cluster on the Formation and Transformation of Space and Knowledge in Ancient Civilizations
The UNESCO #Unite4Heritage campaign builds support for the protection of heritage in areas where it is threatened by extremists.