Cultural Heritage and New Technologies 2016: online il programma

Cultural Heritage and New Technologies 2016: online il programma

CHNT è la Conferenza Internazionale sui Beni Culturali e le Nuove Tecnologie che si svolgerà a Vienna dal 16 al 18 Novembre 2016 sul tema "Urban Archaeology and Archaeological Data: Preservation, Re-use and Repurposing".

La Conferenza è rivolta a studiosi e professionisti di campi quali archeologia, antropologia, arte e storia dell'architettura, computer science, geografia, geomatica, conservazione storica, studi museali e storia urbana. Il programma è organizzato in sessioni con presentazioni orali, sessione poster e app.

Di seguito il programma in lingua inglese

Wednesday, November 16th, 2016

08:00 – 16:00 | Registration


09:00 – 09:15 | Opening | Christina SCHWARZ, Finance Director of the Wien Museum, Austria
09:15 – 10:00 | Keynote Speech | Wolfgang NEUBAUER, Director Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection and Virtual Archaeology, Austrian Scientist 2016, Austria: The Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes Project

10:00 – 10:40 | Presentation of the Exhibitors

10:40 – 11:00 | Coffee Break


Preservation and Re-Use of Digital Archaeological Research Data with Open Archival Information Systems
Chairs: Felix SCHÄFER | Reiner GÖLDNER | Maurice HEINRICH, Germany | Valentijn GILISSEN | Hella HOLLANDER, The Netherlands | Julian RICHARDS | Tim EVANS, UK

11:00 – 11:20 |David BIBBY, Germany: ARCHES “Archaeological Resources in Cultural Heritage, a European Standard”
11:20 – 11:40 | Reiner GÖLDNER, Germany: Archiving Archaeological Research Data – Requirements, Objectives and first Experiences
11:40 – 12:00 | Tim EVANS | Holly WRIGHT, UK: Twenty years of the ADS: lessons and challenges for the future of data curatio
12:00 – 12:20 | Philipp GERTH | Anne SIEVERLING | Martina TROGNITZ, Germany: Data Curation: How and why. A showcase with re-use scenarios

12:20 – 14:00 | Lunch Break

14:00 – 14:20 | Valentijn GILISSEN | Hella HOLLANDER, The Netherlands: Archiving the past while keeping up with the times
14:20 – 14:40 | Wouter BOASSON | Ronald M. VISSER, The Netherlands: SIKB0102: Synchronising excavation data for preservation and re-use
14:40 – 15:00 | Edeltraud ASPÖCK | Gerald HIEBEL | Matej DURCO, Austria: Developing an archive for archaeological data: the ‘A puzzle in 4D’ project

15:00 – 15:20 | Coffee Break

15:20 – 16:40 | Poster Presentation
Organiser: Peter DORNINGER, Austria

Giulia DIONISIO | Daniela PUZIO, Italy: The teaching of restoration in the Archaeological University Courses: the innovation of the practical ceramic conservation laboratory inside the Graduate School in Archaeology – UNIFI
Jessica ROTHE | Claudia Maria MELISCH | Natasha POWERS, Germany: The three medieval fighters from Cölln/Berlin
Matthew NICHOLLS, UK: Virtual Rome: a digital model of the ancient city
Willem BEEX, The Netherlands: How to use the new LIDAR information
Erika LOVELAND | George AUSTIN, USA: Exploring Archaeology from a First Person Perspective using a Go-Pro
Julia KLAMMER | Michael DONEUS, Austria: Prospection based on airborne laser scanning as a method of cultural heritage
Rainer SIMON | Leif ISAKSEN | Elton BARKER | Pau de SOTO CAÑAMARES, Austria: Pelagios Commons: facilitating better linkages between online resources documenting the past
Ladislav DEDÍK | Jana MINAROVIECH, Slovakia: Digitisation of the cultural heritage of Slovakia. Combining of lidar data and photogrammetry
Züleyha Sara BELGE, Turkey: Using a Development Plan from 1930s to evaluate Urban Archaeological Potential in Tarsus
Anna Livia CIUFFREDA | Alonso Elena JUAREZ | Petronilla PATTI | Sara SOLDAINI, Italy: The Ruspoli Chapel at the Porte Sante cemetery in Florence. Material and diagnostic survey for conservation
Angela MANCUSO | Olimpia BARBIERI GENTILI CALCAGNINI | Gabriella GORETTI | Milena ROCCABRUNA, Italy: The Bogliaco Bartolani Chapel in the Cemetery of Porte Sante, Florence. Survey and analysis for the restoration
Ester RIBO-DELISSEY, France: 3D modeling and study of the dispersion of pottery from the late Neolithic site of Boussargues, Herault, France
Elisa SGHERRI | Giovanni ANZANI, Italy: The fortress of Riolo Terme, near Ravenna: digital survey and 3d printing for cultural dissemination
Christine SPENCER, UK: Picking up the pieces: Assessing the role of archaeological survey data in interpreting regional social change in Bronze Age Crete
Francesca TOMEI | Marta LAZZARONI | Veronica SELVANETTI | Teo BASILI, Italy: Caching the walls of Lucca
Tomoyuki USAMI | Alisher BEGMATOV | Takao UNO | Amridin BERDIMURADOV | Gennadiy BOGOMOLOV, Japan: Archaeological Excavation and Documentation of Kafirkala Fortress
Veronica VILLA | Tatiana PIGNATALE | Ilenia TRAMENTOZZI, Italy: The lapidary of Palazzo Ancarano, headquarter of the Archaeological Superintendence of Emilia Romagna
Gerhard SINDELAR, Austria: From multimedia 2D to interactive immersive 360° Virtual Reality Apps
Martina TROGNITZ, Germany: Clustering of multi-sided Aegean Seals
Ugur GENC, Turkey: Experimental Restoration and Replica Studies Using 3D Technology
Gerald HIEBEL | Klaus HANKE, Austria: Data integration in a mining landscape
Fabrizia GIANNOTTI | Andrea PASQUALI | Andrea LEONARDI, Italy: The Tower of Torrenostra in Torreblanca – Spain: studies and documentation for a landscape virtual reconstruction
Carmela CRESCENZI | Elena VANNACCI, Italy: Survey documentation about some refectory in Cappadocia
Jonas BRUSCHKE | Markus WACKER, Germany: DokuVis – A Documentation Tool for Digital Reconstructions
Angela MANCUSO | Andrea PASQUALI | Giorgio VERDIANI, Italy: The Mausoleum of Giuseppe Tonietti on the Elba Island: from a masterpiece of Adolofo Coppedè to a compromising state of decay
Francesco CUCCURU | G.CASULA | S. FAIS | P. LIGAS | M. G. BIANCHI, Italy: Non –destructive analysis in the diagnostic process on the cultural heritage buildings

Presentation Projects:

16.40 – 17:00 Nadja DEBENJAK, INARI GmbH, Austria: Archaeological practices and knowledge work in the digital environment


Digging for the Digital Dividend: Information Systems and Excavation Data
Chair: Benjamin DUCKE | David BIBBY, Germany

11:20 – 11:40 | Jörg RÄTHER, Germany: NormA – Building an Archaeological Information System Around a Normalized Geographic Data Model
11:40 – 12:00 | Burak BELGE, Turkey: An Urban Archaeological Database in Tarsus, a Multi-layered Historic City Centre in Turkey
12:00 – 12:20 | Yvonne GERBER, Switzerland: Systematic Charting of Archaeological Finds and Sites in the Canton Aargau for more than 100 Years

12:20 – 14:00 | Lunch Break

14:00 – 14:20 | Martina POLIG, Sweden: 3D GIS for building archaeology – combining old and new data in a three-dimensional information system in the case study of Lund Cathedral
14:20 – 14:40 | Undine LIEBERWIRTH | Axel GERING, Germany: 3D GIS in archaeology – a micro-scale analysis

15:00 – 15:20 | Coffee Break

PhD / Master Session
Chair: Benjamin STANGL, Austria

15:40 – 16:00 | Susanna CEREDA, Austria: Geoarchaeology and ritual – a methodological approach for the study of prehistoric ceremonial contexts
16:00 – 16:20 | Francesca DOLCETTI, UK: Digital visualisation and interpretation of archaeological sites. A case study from Middle Bronze Age Cyprus
16:20 – 16:40 | Roland FILZWIESER, Austria: The historical landscape of Scharfeneck – a combination of written sources and archaeological prospection data
16:40 – 17:00 | Ulrike GRIMM, Germany: Leipzig 1015 – A multiproxy study to reconstruct the palaeorelief of Leipzig’s centre
17:00 – 17:20 | Omar JASSAM | Ali Kazim OZ, Turkey: Destruction of Cultural Heritage in Conflict Areas at Iraq
17:20 – 17:40 | Vernelle A. A. NOEL, USA: New Technologies in the preservation, development, and visualization of design in the cultural practice of Trinidad Carnival

15:20 – 17:20 | Long-term preservation and access: Where is an archive for my data?
Organisers: Edeltraud ASPÖCK | Guntram GESER, Austria

Edeltraud ASPÖCK | Guntram GESER, Austria, Introduction: Long-term preservation and access: Where is an archive for my data
Reiner GÖLDNER, Germany, Small Solutions for Small Institutions – Steps Towards Archiving and Preservation of Digital Data
Felix SCHÄFER | Maurice HEINRICH, Germany, IANUS on the road – building a national research data center in Germany

7:30 pm – Opening Planungswerkstatt

Thursday, November 17th, 2016

08:00 – 16:00 | Registration


Combining ‘physical’ and ‘digital’ in archaeological practice: collaborative visualisation during excavation
Chairs: Fabrizio GALEAZZI, UK | Peter JENSEN, Denmark

09:00 – 09:20 | Donald HORNE, UK: Must Farm: An Integrated 3D Workflow
09:20 – 09:40 | Michael BAMFORTH, UK: A critical evaluation of the use of hybrid digital / analogue recording and 3D modelling at the Early Mesolithic site of Star Carr, UK
09:40 – 10:00 | Peter JENSEN, Denmark: Integrating 2D and 3D GIS in Archaeological Excavation Documentation
10:00 – 10:20 | Luca BEZZI | Alessandro BEZZI | Rupert GIETL| Gianluca FONDRIEST | Giuseppe NAPONIELLO | Mattia SEGATA, Italy: Digitizing the excavation. Toward a real-time documentation and analysis of the archaeological record
10:20 – 10:40 |

10:40 – 11:00 | Coffee Break

11:00 – 11:20 | Carlo BATTINI | Elena SORGE, Italy: Amphitheater of Volterra: case study for the representation of the excavation data
11:20 – 11:40 | Recep KARADAG, Turkey: Resin Analysis and Characterization in the Yenikapi Byzantine-Era Shipwrecks
11:40 – 12:00 | Adele MAGNELLI, Italy: Museum Glass Beacon at Museum of the Imperial Forums in Rome
12:00 – 12:20 | Marion GROSSMANN, Austria: familia gladiatoria

12:20 – 14:00 | Lunch Break

14:00 – 18:00 | New realities2: virtual, augmented reality and other techniques in Cultural Heritage for the general public
Chairs: Willem BEEX, The Netherlands | Giorgio VERDIANI, Italy | Bernard FRISCHER, USA | Peter FERSCHIN, Austria

Bert GROENEWOUDT, The Netherlands, Introducing NOaA 2.0: a web-based research agenda for Dutch archaeology for the benefit of heritage management, science and society
Matthew NICHOLLS, UK, Digital reconstruction in university teaching and outreach
Severin HOHENSINNER, Austria, GIS-based reconstruction of Vienna’s historical landscape since the 16th century
Anna Margherita JASINK | Cristian FARALLI | Panaiotis KRUKLIDIS, Italy, MUSINT II: presentation of a complex project on a virtual and interactive museum involving institutions of Florence, Rome and Hiraklion, addressed to scientific and general public
Stefano MARZIAL | Giulia DIONISIO, Italy, Photogrammetry and macrophotography. The experience of the MUSINT II Project in the 3D digitizing process of small size archaeological artifacts
Reka LOVAS | Katalin TOLNAI, Hungary, Combining data acquisition technologies to support heritage protection and interactive presentation
Sandro LOCHAU, Switzerland, Chronicles of a House – An Immersive Journey from the Middle Ages to the Present
Takehiko NAGAKURA | Joshua CHOI, USA, Panoramic Media: Recording and Representing Digital Heritage Experience
Andrea PASQUALI | Angela MANCUSO, Italy, From micro-survey to virtual reality: an attempt of immersive virtual reconstruction
Giorgio VERDIANI | Carlo GIRA | Andrea PISANI, Italy, As abandoned as full of historical strenght: the case of the Marconi’s station in Coltano, Pisa
Anastasia VALAVANIDOU | Areti KONDYLIDOY | Nikolaos PACHTAS, Greece, Using digital techniques for the communication of the history of the Thessaloniki Islahhane
Aaron LIU-ROSENBAUM, Canada,Augmented, virtual, and actual soundscapes as cultural heritage
Daniel STILLER | Willem BEEX, The Netherlands, Apps under the Surface: Problems with Cultural Heritage apps

09:00 – 10:40 | The integration between archaeology and history based on ICT
Organisers: Ann DEGRAEVE, Belgium | Irmela HERZOG, Germany

Menne KOSIAN | Rowin VAN LANEN, The Netherlands: A new historical basemap for archaeological research for medieval Netherlands
Irmela HERZOG, Germany: Reconstructing Pre-Industrial Long Distance Roads in the Bergisches Land, Germany, Based on Historical and Archaeological Data
Ralf HESSE, Germany: Historical maps and ALS visualisations
Jaap Evert ABRAHAMSE | Rowin VAN LANEN | Menne KOSIAN, The Netherlands: The Missing Link. Modelling urbanization dynamics in the Lowlands AD200-1200

10:40 – 11:00 | Coffee Break

11:00 – 12:20 | SCIENCE SLAM
Organiser: Marleen de Kramer, Austria

Eslam NOFAL, Belgium, Communication of Heritage Information: Tangible Interaction Approach
Elisabeth MONAMY, Austria, Eating habits through time
Niklaas GÖRSCH | Benjamin GEHMLICH | Marco BLOCK-BERLITZ, Germany,
Structuring the Motion
Doris GRANDITS | Lukas STAMPFER, Austria, AFFANDI sustaining a legacy

12:20 – 14:00 | Lunch Break


(Inter)relating to the Dead
Chairs: David BIBBY, Germany | Ann DEGRAEVE, Belgium | Raphael PANHUYSEN, The Netherlands | Karin WILTSCKE-SCHROTTA, Austria

14:00 – 14:20 | Claudia Maria MELISCH | Peter RAUXLOH | Natasha POWERS, Germany | UK: Harris-Matrix as key for understanding time in cemeteries
14:20 – 14:40 | Michaela BINDER | Leslie QUADE, Austria: Life and death in the Napoleonic wars – A bioarchaeological investigation of skeletal remains from the Battle of Aspern 1809
14:40 – 15:00 | Nicole NICKLISCH | Oliver PESCHEL | Axel MANTHEI | Frank RAMSTHALER | Kurt W. ALT | Susanne FRIEDERICH, Germany: „Aim and shoot“ – A bioarchaeological contribution to the reconstruction of military strategies in the Thirty Years‘ War
15:00 – 15:20 | Erik SCHMITZ, The Netherlands: Interrelating realities: historical and archeological sources for burials in post-medieval Amsterdam (1553- ca. 1865)
15:20 – 15:40 | Daniela ISTRATE | Annamaria DIANA, Romania: The Black Church Project: interdisciplinary approaches to the study of a medieval urban cemetery

15:40 – 16:00 | Coffee Break

16:00 – 16:20 | Apostolos SARRIS | Pawel DZIECHCIARZ | Dylan KELLY | Paul R. DUFFY | Györgyi PARDITKA | Julia GIBLIN, Greece | Poland | USA | Canada: Construction of a Geophysical Signature Archive for the Investigation of Bronze Age sites. The Case of Békés 103 (Jégvermi-kert) in Eastern Hungary
16:20 – 16:40 | David BIBBY | Benjamin HÖKE, Germany: Lauchheim 1986 – 2016. The Interdisciplinary analysis and GIS-Mapping of a prominent early medieval necropolis in Eastern Swabia
16:40 – 17:00 | Raphaël PANHUYSEN | Maarten SEPERS | Kim VAN STRATEN, The Netherlands: Scanning an Early Medieval burial from Domburg (The Netherlands)
17:00 – 17:20 |


09:00 – 10:40 | Target Groups, Users, Followers, Fans – The Nature and Potential of Social Data in Archaeology
Organiser: Carmen LÖW, Austria

Elisabeth MONAMY, Austria: Experimental archeology in social media – the example of Archeomuse
Fiona POPPENWIMMER | Hans RESCHREITER, Austria: The use of weblogs to impart scientific results at the example of the Hallstatt research

7:30 pm – Mayor’s Cocktail – Rathauskeller
        Welcome: Andreas WEIGL (Municipal and Provincial Archives of Vienna)

Friday, November 18th, 2016

08:00 – 14:00 | Registration


3D reconstruction as an interpretative melting pot of the (art-)historical data
Chairs: Piotr KUROCZYNSKI, Germany | Fabrizio APOLLONIO, Italy |Krzysztof KOSZEWSKI, Poland | Stephan HOPPE, Germany

09:00 – 09:20 | Fabrizio Ivan APOLLONIO | F. FALLAVOLLITA| R. FOSCHI | S. CORSO | E.C. GIOVANNINI, Italy: The reconstruction of ‘drawn’ architecture
09:20 – 09:40 | Marc GRELLERT | Mieke PFARR-HARFST, Germany: The Reconstruction – Argumentation Method, Proposal for a minimal documentation standard for virtual reconstructions
09:40 – 10:00 | Mieke PFARR-HARFST | Stefanie WEFERS | Frank BOOCHS | Ashish KARMACHARYA, Germany: Digital 3D reconstructed models – Structuring project workflows using semantic technologies to develop recommendations
10:00 – 10:20 | Piotr KUROCZYNSKI, Germany: Virtual Research Environment for digital 3D reconstructions – Standards, thresholds and prospects

10:20 – 10:40 | Coffee Break

10:40 – 11:00 |
11:00 – 11:20 | Slawomir KOWAL | Krzysztof KOSZEWSKI | Jan SLYK | Stefan WRONA, Poland: Digital Method for Verifying Archaeological Hypotheses. Medieval Gord under Pultusk Castle
11:20 – 11:40 | Giorgio VERDIANI | Martina CARRARA | Stefano LAMI, Italy: Destroyed places and ancient wars. Digital tools for the Montecastrese fortress in Camaiore, Lucca
11:40 – 12:00 | Jonas CHRISTEN, Switzerland: Reconstructing Vindonissa as a living document
12:00 – 12:20 | Justyna KOLENDA | Malgorzata MARKIEWICZ, Poland: A medieval bishop’s palace in Milicz. 3D reconstruction as a method of a research hypotheses presentation

12:20 – 14:00 | Lunch Break

14:00 – 14:20 | Eiman ELGEWELY | Willeke WENDRICH, Egypt | USA: 3D Reconstruction of Furniture Fragments from the Ancient Town of Karanis
14:20 – 14:40 | András PATAY-HORVÁTH, Hungary: From Reconstruction to Analysis: Re-use and re-purposing of 3D scan datasets
14:40 – 15:00 | Gabriele GUIDI | Laura MICOLI | Sara GONIZZI BARSANTI, Italy: Interdisciplinary data fusion for diachronic 3D reconstruction of historic sites
15:00 – 15:20 | Lucia MARSICANO | Saverio Giulio MALATESTA | Francesco LELLA | Eleonora MASSACCIO, Italy: Maxentius 3D Project

15:20 – 15:40 | Coffee Break

15:40 – 16:00 | Beatrix SZABO, Hungary, High precision 3D scanning in the service of art historical research
16:00 – 16:20 | Nikolaus STUDNICKA| Christoph FÜRST | Martin PFENNIGBAUER, Austria: How much of a historic town can be mapped by a terrestrial laser scanner within a working day?

The Employment of Mobile Applications for Survey, Documentation and Information
Chair: Claudiu SILVESTRU, Austria

16:20 – 16:40 | Eduardo BAVIERA LLÓPEZ | Jorge MARTÍNEZ PIQUERAS | Jorge LLOPIS VERDÚ | José Luis DENIA RÍOS | Carlos BONAFÉ CERVERA, Spain: Integration of a Geographic Information System with Augmented Reality Technologies to build a divulgation mobile application
16:40 – 17:00 | Gerhard SINDELAR, Austria, From multimedia 2D to interactive immersive 360° Virtual Reality Apps

17:00 – 18:00 | APP – Session
Organiser: 7reasons, Austria

Dagmar BARGETZI | Andrea HAGENDORN | Guido LASSAU | Till SCHOLZ, Switzerland: Archaeo Tour / Archaeological tour
Gabor BODO, Hungary: Solomon tower – a VR experience
Josef ZÁRUBA, Czech Republic: Wounded
Gerhard SINDELAR, Austria: beyondarts Art & Culture Guides
Clemens NOTHEGGER | Ana DJURICIC | Mathias HARZHAUSER, Austria: SmartGeology4Public
Frederick BAKER, UK: Pitoti Prometheus
Nadja Suvi Tuulia DEBENJAK | Michael DEBENJAK | Stefan KRAUSLER, Austria: Inari AIS


Photogrammetry in Underwater and Aerial Archaeology
Chairs: Marco BLOCK-BERLITZ | Roman SCHOLZ, Germany | Luka BEKIC, Croatia

09:00 – 09:20 |Colin WALLACE, Canada: Retrospective Photogrammetry in Greek Archaeology
09:20 – 09:40 | Giorgio VERDIANI | Paolo FORMAGLINI | Filippo GIANSANTI | Stéphane GIRAUDEAU, Italy: Close-up, Macro and Micro photogrammetry and image perspective: a comparative studio on different lenses at work with small and medium size objects
09:40 – 10:00 | Lukasz MISZK | Wojciech OSTROWSKI, Poland: Multi-source photogrammetry as instrumental tool in integrated archaeological prospection
10:00 – 10:20 | Ladislav DEDÍK | Jana MINAROVIECH, Slovakia: Digitisation of the architectural heritage of Slovakia combining of lidar data and photogrammetry

10:20 – 10:40 | Coffee Break

10:40 – 11:00 | Hansjörg THALER, Italy: Templars in Iceland-an Illusion?
Damian HETTMANCZYK | Marco BLOCK-BERLITZ | Benjamin GEHMLICH, Germany: JEnhancer: Automatic Enhancement Toolkit for Underwater Images
11:00 – 11:20 | Roman SCHOLZ | Luka BEKIC | Marco BLOCK-BERLITZ; Germany: Geo-referencing from Photo-based Documentation in Freshwater and Marine Archaeology
11:20 – 11:40 | Henrik POHL | Ronny WESSLING, Austria: Systematic SfM and MVS-based documentation and interpretation: The underwater excavation of the Mondsee culture settlement Seewalchen/Attersee, Upper Austria
11:40 – 12:00 | Marco BLOCK-BERLITZ | Cyril DWORSKY | Carmen LÖW | Benjamin GEHMLICH | Dennis WITTCHEN | Niklaas GÖRSCH | Benjamin DUCKE, Germany | Austria: Archaeonautic: Low-cost and efficient 3D Videogrammetry meets Palafittes at Mondsee/Austria
12:00 – 12:20 | Ronny WESSLING | Michael KONRAD, Austria: Drone on the water: multipurpose unmanned surface vehicles (mUSV) for photogrammetric surveying of submerged archaeology

12:20 – 14:00 | Lunch Break

14:00 – 14:20 | Ana DJURICIC | Peter DORNINGER | Sascha RASZTOVITS | Clemens NOTHEGGER | Mathias HARZHAUSER | Oleg MANDIC | Philipp GLIRA | Norbert PFEIFER, Austria: Pairing fossil oyster shells
14:20 – 15:20 | Discussion

15:20 – 15:40 | Coffee Break

15:40 – 16:40 | Hot Spot Session


09:00 – 11:00 | Unknown Objects (Anthropological Workshop – associated with the Session “(INTER)RELATING TO THE DEAD”)
Organiser: Michaela BINDER | Karin WILTSCHKE-SCHROTTA, Austria
Location: Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, 1., Burgring 7

7:30 pm – Informal Farewell – Heuriger 10er Marie (Ottakringer Str. 222-224)

The eldest Wine Taverne of Vienna (New Location!)
Welcome: Roland LÖFFLER, (District Council of the 16th District)

Saturday, November 19th, 2016

09:00 am – 6 pm | Excursion to Museum Asparn/Zaya and Museum Mistelbach (Stonehenge. A hidden landscape) (Euro 28.-)


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