Ben attrezzato per il futuro: è il museo in mostra al MUTEC 2016

Ben attrezzato per il futuro: è il museo in mostra al MUTEC 2016

I visitatori del MUTEC, che si svolgerà dal 10 al 12 novembre 2016 a Lipsia, potranno aspettarsi un 'rea espositiva multiforme e un programma professionale che è cresciuta in modo significativo. Conferenze, seminari e workshop riguarderanno numerosi temi con cui molti musei e altre istituzioni culturali, come le biblioteche e gli archivi, sono alle prese alla ricerca di soluzioni sostenibili nell'era della digitalizzazione. Inoltre, al MUTEC per la prima volta si svolgerà la cerimonia di assegnazione del Premio "Riegel - Preserving Culture" assegnato per la protezione, la cura e l'esposizione d'arte e beni culturali.

Grazie ad espositori provenienti da vari ambiti di competenza dei musei e della tecnologia per le mostre, il MUTEC fornirà una panoramica di prodotti e soluzioni innovative. Rispetto al 2014, la fiera internazionale può già segnalare un incremento di oltre il 30 per cento nel numero di espositori. Al MUTEC si presenteranno aziende ben note come Ahlborn, Beckerbillet, Testo e Zeutschel ma anche giovani centri di innovazione, come Tactile Studio o Giant Monkey Software Engineering. Molte aziende internazionali avranno anche la possibilità di presentare la loro offerta al pubblico specializzato. Alcuni dei paesi rappresentati, a parte la Germania, sono Francia, Belgio, Lussemburgo, Danimarca, Austria, Ungheria, Polonia, Romania e Svizzera.

Programma completo su

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English version

Well-equipped for the Future: Valuable Specialist Knowledge for Cultural Institutions at MUTEC 2016

Visitors to MUTEC, which takes place from 10 to 12 November, can expect a multifarious exhibition area and a professional programme that has grown significantly. Talks, seminars and workshops will be dealing with numerous subjects with which many museums and other cultural institutions, such as libraries and archives, are grappling while looking for sustainable solutions in the age of digitisation. Furthermore, MUTEC will for the first time be the scene for the award ceremony of the “Riegel – Preserving Culture” award, given for the protection, care and exhibition of art and cultural goods.

Thanks to exhibitors from the various specialist fields of museum and exhibition technology, MUTEC will provide an overview of innovative products and solutions. Compared with 2014, the International Trade Fair can already report an increase of more than 30 percent in the number of exhibitors. MUTEC is the place where well-known companies such as Ahlborn, Beckerbillet, Testo and Zeutschel present themselves, but it also showcases young centres of innovation, such as Tactile Studio or Giant Monkey Software Engineering. Many international companies also make use of the opportunity to present their offering to the specialist audience. Some of the countries represented, aside from Germany, are France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Switzerland.

Pausanio Akademie: Forward-looking seminars for museums, archives and libraries

Pausanio Akademie as the event partner of MUTEC is represented with a wide array of seminars. For these courses, the focus will be on the subjects of digitization and documentation, research and visitor communication, digital strategies of conveying information, and image rights. Interested participants can pre-register for 10 different seminars. For instance, the first trade fair day will feature the seminar “From the file-card box to the portal”, an introduction to the digital documentation of files and portals. Taking place at the same time, the workshop “Demonstrating know-how, setting topics” will introduce digital content management and show that this subject is of particular interest for cultural institutions as a link between public relations and knowledge distribution. Subsequently, two seminars dealing with the strategic use of digitisation will be held in parallel with the titles “Digitisation – and what comes next?” and “The digital ecosystem”. The day is concluded by the keynote presentation “The shruggie principle – encouraging digital serenity” by Dirk von Gehlen, Head of Social Media/Innovation at Süddeutsche Zeitung. This presentation will be available to all visitors in the MUTEC forum.

On the second trade fair day, the Pausanio Akademie seminars will centre around the topic of Social Media. First, “Pin, snap, vine?” is to provide an introduction to this important field of communication, presenting the most important basics. The workshop “I spy with my little eye” will be taking place at the same time. At this event, participants can get up to speed on the latest augmented reality hand-ons, learn how exhibits can be linked to additional information, such as images or videos, with the help of software, and how to display them on the visitor’s smartphone. After this, the audience can see some in-depth applications of social media in the seminar “TweetUp or InstaWalk?” or gain interesting insight into open-content strategies for cultural institutions in the workshop “Wikipedia helps museums”.

The last MUTEC day will be dedicated to legal questions around the provision of culture and knowledge, with the workshop “From purveyor of knowledge to facilitator”. At the same time, trade visitors can dive deep into 3D digitisation and virtual reality and learn how these forward-looking innovations can be used effectively in their own organisation.

Other topics in the professional programme

The company CDS Gromke will organise a workshop about “Efficient production and the use of image and media data in museums and archives”. Trade visitors will be informed in two thematic blocks about the latest developments in the fields of digitisation and digital asset management and gain practical insight into the speakers’ experiences. The workshop will focus on how to prepare and implement digitisation processes and how to make efficient use of digital copies. is also one of the companies directly involved in the MUTEC professional programme. The seminar titled “EARs-ON! MINDs-ON! Media evolution ... But how? Insights into user-friendly audio guide contents and more” will focus on the effective use of audio guides in museums and exhibitions. Some of the things participants can expect are tips on how to extent the distribution of knowledge via audio devices and overcome potential obstacles when using such devices.

In addition to the exhibitor presentation, the MUTEC forum offers the three big thematic blocks: Secure & Preserve, Light and Accessibility & Inclusion. The subject of lighting is also looked at in the seminar organised by the Mobile School of Lighting Design, entitled “Light in the Museum”. The seminar by Axiell GmbH will present the Adlib application via the browser using the Axiell Collections. Those with an interest in scenography will want to check out the workshop "Auditive and visual staging for small- and medium-sized museums" by hands on sound.

You can find more information on the current professional programme of MUTEC at

“Riegel” award ceremony: Recognising initiatives for the preservation of art and cultural goods.

“Locking the door” on the loss of art and cultural goods: This is the motto under which the magazine KulturBetrieb has initiated the “Riegel” award, which for the first time will be given away at MUTEC. The aim of the award is to promote individual initiatives for the preservation of art and cultural goods and recognising these services with a prize money. The “Riegel” (referring to the bolt of a lock) is the symbol for the prevention of loss or damage. The award will be given to this year’s winners on the first trade fair day in the MUTEC forum, following the MUTEC thematic block “Securing and preserving”.


Fonte/ Source: MUTEC