Irene Natali*, Emiliano Carretti*, Lora Angelova**, Richard G. Weiss**, Luigi Dei*, Piero Baglioni*
* Department of Chemistry and CSGI, University of Florence, Italy (
** Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., USA
Some studies about PVA based gels and their applications as cleaning tools for painted surfaces are presented. New formulations of this class of high viscosity polymeric dispersions have been used to remove oxidized varnishes coating “Santo Stefano” by Ludovico Cardi detto il Cigoli (a 17th century oil-on-wood panel) and to remove Paraloid B72 from wall paintings in SantaMaria della Scala, Siena. Rheological properties have been studied in order to investigate themechanical behaviour of hydrogels with particular attention to their easy removal simply by apeeling off from the surface.
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