MUTEC 2016 International Trade Fair for Museum and Exhibition Technology

MUTEC 2016 International Trade Fair for Museum and Exhibition Technology

Dal 10 al 12 Novembre 2016 a Lipsia, in Germania, si terrà il MUTEC, l'International Trade Fair for Museum and Exhibition Technology dedicato alle tecnologie e gli strumenti per i musei, i centri visita  e per le infrastrutture museali che riguardano l'archiviazione, la conservazione e la digitalizzazione. La fiera si rivolge agli operatori di musei e collezioni, centri espositivi, gallerie, archivi e biblioteche.

Studi di architettura, agenzie di consulenza e conservatori museali potranno trovare diversi spunti d'interesse all'evento. Il MUTEC si svolge in contemporanea con DENKMAL, fiera dedicata alla conservazione, il restauro e la ristrutturazione di edifici storici organizzato quest'anno dalla stessa società, Leipziger Messe.
Nel 2014 il MUTEC ha ospitato 55 espositori da 12 paesi e insieme a Denkmal ha riunito 13.100 visitatori.

Quest'anno durante la fiera sarà aperta la mostra speciale "Plaster Casting - Tecniche storiche e moderne", in anteprima al MUTEC 2016. La mostra speciale offrirà un affascinante spaccato sul restauro e la conservazione delle opere d'arte utilizzando processi analogici e digitali. È organizzata dal Gipsformerei (Replica Workshop) del Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (Musei Nazionali di Berlino), un archivio museo che fa parte della fondazione Preussischer Kulturbesitz e sede di tesori culturali unici. Il Gipsformerei è un laboratorio con la capacità di riprodurre da sé dei capolavori unici. Fondata nel 1819, è considerata una delle più antiche istituzioni dei Musei Statali di Berlino. Fin dalla sua istituzione, il Gipsformerei ha raccolto quasi 7.000 oggetti, diventando la più grande istituzione del suo genere in tutto il mondo.

La mostra speciale sarà l'occasione per la dimostrazione di metodi di fusione tradizionali, così come la scansione senza contatto, per lavori di restauro. Questo sarà esemplificato dall'Achille realizzato dallo scultore classicista Christian Friedrich Tieck, risalente al 1828.

Il Gipsformerei possiede un pezzo dell'Achille, ma con la sua lancia e piede sinistro mancante. La scansione 3D ha reso possibile stampare una copia dell'opera e utilizzare questo come un modello per uno stampo separato, in modo che Achille potesse essere restaurato sulla base di questo modello.

Un'altra sezione sarà dedicata alla produzione di versioni di alta qualità di opere d'arte, illustrata mediante una replica di Nofretete. La replica è l'unico modello disponibile in commercio da un laboratorio del museo; è stato sviluppato in un processo a due anni. Le sue caratteristiche speciali sono l'analisi color-matching, l'uso di pigmenti originali, e un occhio di cristallo levigato. È stato prodotto utilizzando una tecnica di pittura storica basata su un processo "light stripe scanning".

Il terzo tema riguarderà le opere da'arte perdute: il Gipsformerei presenterà una selezione di vecchi stampi storici e modelli in vari stati di restauro e conservazione, che differiscono notevolmente dallo stato attuale. Come un modo per documentare il cambiamento nel corso del tempo, i calchi diventano originali a tutti gli effetti, promossi allo status di importanti fonti storiche.


Archeomatica è media partner di MUTEC 2016.


English version

MUTEC 2016 International Trade Fair for Museum and Exhibition Technology
Leipzig November 10 - 12 2016

Technologies and equipment for museums, visitor services, media presentation, as well as museum infrastructure with topics such as archiving, storing and digitization, are central themes of the trade fair. With this wide-ranging offering, the trade fair caters to the operators of museums and collections, exhibition centers, galleries, archives and libraries. Architectural practices, consulting agencies and museum conservationists will also find their visit worthwhile. The professional program deals with current developments and challenges within the industry. Since 2010, MUTEC has been taking place under the same roof and at the same time as denkmal, the leading European trade fair for conservation, restoration and old building renovation. 2016 will be the first year with Leipziger Messe as the organizer of both events. In 2014, 55 exhibitors from 12 countries were present at MUTEC, which together with denkmal attracted 13,100 visitors.

Technologies and equipment for museums, visitor services, media presentation, as well as museum infrastructure with topics such as archiving, storing and digitization, are central themes of the trade fair. With this wide-ranging offering, the trade fair caters to the operators of museums and collections, exhibition centers, galleries, archives and libraries. Architectural practices, consulting agencies and museum conservationists will also find their visit worthwhile. The professional program deals with current developments and challenges within the industry. Since 2010, MUTEC has been taking place under the same roof and at the same time as denkmal, the leading European trade fair for conservation, restoration and old building renovation. 2016 will be the first year with Leipziger Messe as the organizer of both events. In 2014, 55 exhibitors from 12 countries were present at MUTEC, which together with denkmal attracted 13,100 visitors.

Innovative technology, impressive solutions and outstanding exhibits: Trade visitors from museums and other cultural institutions to MUTEC, which will take place from 10 to 12 November 2016 in the Leipzig Trade Fair halls, can expect a multifarious offering from exhibitors such as Zeutschel, MBA-Design & Display Produkt, and Ahlborn Mess- und Regeltechnik. The special show "Plaster Casting – Historic and Modern Techniques" will have its premiere at MUTEC 2016.

The special show "Plaster Casting – Historic and Modern Techniques" will offer fascinating insight into the restoration and preservation of works of art using analogue and digital processes. The special show is organised by the Gipsformerei (Replica Workshop) of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (National Museums in Berlin), a museum archive that is part of the foundation Preussischer Kulturbesitz and home to unique cultural treasures. The Gipsformerei is a workshop with the capability of producing its own masterpieces. It was established in 1819 and is therefore considered one of the oldest institutions of the Staatliche Museen in Berlin. Since its inception, the Gipsformerei has collected close to 7,000 objects, making it the largest institution of its kind in the world.

The special show will provide an opportunity for the demonstration of conventional casting methods, as well as non-contact scanning, for restoration works. This will be exemplified using the Achilles made by the classicist sculptor Christian Friedrich Tieck, dating from 1828. The Gipsformerei owns a cast of Achilles, but with his lance and left foot missing. 3D-scanning made it possible to print a copy of the cast and use this as a model for a separate mould, so that Achilles could be restored based on this template.

Another section will be devoted to the manufacture of high-quality coloured versions of works of art, shown using a Nofretete replica. The replica is the only commercially available model from a museum workshop; it was developed in a two-year process. Its special features are colour-matching analysis, the use of original pigments for the paint job, and a honed mountain crystal eye. It was manufactured using a historic painting technique based on a light stripe scanning process.

The third theme is concerned with "Lost Works of Art", with the Gipsformerei presenting a selection of old historic moulds and models in various states of restoration and preservation, differing drastically from the current state. As a way to document change over time, the casts become originals in their own right, promoted to the status of important historical sources.


Archeomatica is media partner of MUTEC 2016.

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Fonte/Source: MUTEC

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