A Vienna la 24 conferenza sul Cultural Heritage and New Technologies terrà presente che nella maggior parte dei paesi, i grandi progetti di sviluppo urbano rappresentano una sfida per organizzazioni e individui il cui scopo è preservare il più possibile il patrimonio culturale. Gli approcci computazionali sono indispensabili in tutte le fasi di un grande progetto di sviluppo urbano perché essi possono assistere le agenzie di protezione dei monumenti in collaborazione con gli urbanisti per trovare il compromesso ottimale in termini di esigenze urbane e conservazione del patrimonio culturale conosciuto. Inoltre possono sostenere l'efficiente documentazione dei monumenti e dei siti archeologici prima della loro distruzione nel corso delle attività di sviluppo urbano e includere nuovi e attraenti metodi di informazione del pubblico.
L'Early bird registration scade il 30 settembre 2019.
Di seguito il programma della Conferenza
Monday, November 4, 2019
Keynote Speech
How to manage a 6000m² excavation in the historical city center of Brussels, Belgium
Ann DEGRAEVE, Heritage Direction, Ministry of the Brussels Capital Region, Belgium
Major Projects and Digital Data – the Present and the Future
(1Independant | 2Urban Brussels, Belgium | Paveprime Ltd., UK3)
(alphabetical order)
Irmela HERZOG | Claus WEBER, Germany: Data Structures for Major Archaeological Projects in the Rhineland Area, Germany (PDF 1,1 MB)
Peter RAUXLOH | Russel COLEMAN, UK: Scaling up to meet the demand (PDF 1,2 MB)
Julian RICHARDS | Tim EVANS | Katie GREEN | Kieron NIVEN, UK: The Archive arriving on Platform 1…. (PDF 1,2 MB)
Rónán SWAN, Ireland: Infrastructure, Innovation and Practice (PDF 0,8 MB)
Jürgen VAN WESSEL, UK: Large projects as a catalyst for meaningful innovation (PDF 1,1 MB)
Image-based 3D Documentation Aerial and Underwater
(HTW Dresden, Germany)
(order of lectures)
Maria ANDROULAKI | Georgios VIDALIS |Ioannis Georgios INGLEZAKIS | Georgios CHATZIDAKIS | Pagona MARAVELAKI | Panagiotis PARTHENIOS, Greece: Documenting and visualizing deterioration of monuments on a 3D environment (PDF 1,2 MB)
Otto CICHOCKI | Bernhard GROISS | Mario WALLNER | Michael WEISSL, Austria: Possibilities of 3-D visualisation of an “Erdstall” (PDF 1,0 MB)
Apostolos C. KAMPOURIS | Dimitrios V GIANNOULIS, Greece: Aerial Image based 3D Documentation of Inaccessible Archaeological Sites using UAS (PDF 1,3 MB)
Max HAIBT, Germany: The Warka Environs Aerial Survey (PDF 1,7 MB)
Sven LINZEN |Susanne REICHERT | Jan BEMMANN | Ronny STOLZ, Germany: What magnetic prospection, topographic mapping and archaeology can tell us about urbanism in the Mongolian steppes (PDF 0,8 MB)
Huy DO DUC | Marco BLOCK-BERLITZ | Hendrik ROHLAND |Christina FRANKEN, Germany: Resurrection of the Mongolian Steppe Empire (PDF 1,1 MB)
Gianluca CANTORO, Greece: Point-Clouds above and below (PDF 1,2 MB)
Michaela REINFELD | Bernhard FRITSCH, Germany: Wrecks in Transition (PDF 0,8 MB)
Learning from the Past.
Rowin van LANEN | Menne KOSIAN | Jaap Evert ABRAHAMSE
(Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, Netherlands)
(order of lectures)
Rowin J. VAN LANEN | Menne C. KOSIAN | Jaap Evert ABRAHAMSE, The Netherlands: Learning from the Past (Session introductory lecture)
Daniele MALFITANA | Antonino MAZZAGLIA, Italy: OpenCity project (PDF 0,8 MB)
Mario GAVRANOVIĆ | Irene PETSCHKO, Austria: Revealing Bronze Age Landscapes of the Balkans (PDF 1,9 MB)
Kaja ANTLEJ, Australia | Nataša REBERNIK, Spain | Lailan JAKLIČ | Franc SOLINA | Miran ERIČ, Slovenia: Global Virtual Cultural Heritage Environment with attention to disability inclusion (PDF 0,8 MB)
Cristiana BARANDONI, Italy: In search for lost colours (PDF 1,1 MB)
Takehiko NAGAKURA | Eytan MANN | Eliyahu KELLER | Mark JARZOMBEK, USA: Telling Stories of Site (PDF 1,1 MB)
Oğuz YEKE, Turkey: Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Documentation Techniques(PDF 1,0 MB)
Digital and Innovative Solutions from the Single Intervention to the Museum Infrastructure for Cultural Heritage Safeguard and Protection
(Dipartimento di Architettura, University of Florence, Italy)
(alphabetical order)
Andreas BLÄCKER, Germany: New multispectral method for the analysis of documents and drawings (PDF 2,1 MB)
Chiara CAPULLI | Cristina MOSCONI | Fabrizio NEVOLA, UK: Tackling the Artworks’ Diaspora and Developing Community Engagement with Digital Art History (PDF 1,4 MB)
Giada CERRI, Italy: Seismic risk assessment. The case of the exhibition “di Tutti i Colori” in Montelupo Fiorentino (Florence) (PDF 1,2 MB)
Anna Livia CIUFFREDA | Massimo COLI | Michelangelo MICHELONI, Italy: Structural analysis and evaluation of interventions for the protection of the Resurrection (PDF 1,3 MB)
Peter FORNARO | Vera CHIQUET, Switzerland: Enhanced Reflectance Transformation Imaging for Research and Interoperability (PDF 1,6 MB)
Adele MAGNELLI | Aurelio DESTILE, Italy: From the hypogeum culture to cities of the future (PDF 0,5 MB)
Davide PANTILE | Valentina TRIMANI |Filippo VERGANI, Italy: Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper (PDF 1,7 MB)
Raffaella PAOLUCCI | Giorgio VERDIANI | Marco TANGANELLI, Italy: A multimedia approach for the digitalization and the protection of great statues (PDF 1,1 MB)
Francesca PRESTIPINO | Ambra ULIVIERI, Italy: Augmented Reality prototype for the development of the historical-archaeological heritage in Italy (PDF 0,8 MB)
Leonardo ZAFFI | Stefania VITI, Italy: The majolica collection of the Museum of Bargello (PDF 2,8 MB)
Opening Event
Wiener Planungswerkstatt
“Heurigen” buffet by Winery Werner Weinlinger
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Keynote Speech
Public archaeology of the Amstel river in Amsterdam
Jerzy GAWRONSKI, Monuments and Archaeology, City of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Deploying Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) in Heritage Conservation, Theory and Practice
(1Brandenburg University of Technology , Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany| 2Avicenna University, Kabul, Afghanistan)
(alphabetical order)
Nicholas CRABB | Chris CAREY | Andy HOWARD | Robin JACKSON, UK: Identifying archaeological potential in alluvial environments (PDF 0,6 MB)
Tobin HARTNELL | Alan NOURI | Yalda RAZMAHANG | Mohammed DLER | Adam Azad TAWFEEQ, Iraq: AI as a means to assess ISIS campaign of destruction at the World Heritage Site of Ashur
Rainer KOMP| Lukas GOLDMANN, Germany: Lifeguard for large-scale geophysical surveys (PDF 1,2 MB)
Rosanna MONTANARO, Italy: LiDAR on trial (PDF 1,4 MB)
Advanced Archaeological Trainings
Inside/Outside Cultural Heritage – Creating your Own Heritage Site Interactive Map
Talila YEHIEL1 / Shani ZIV2 | Christina KRAL-BÖRNER3
(1The Mofet Institute, Israel | 2The Wanderer Ltd. | 3Indepent, Vienna, Austria)
Visualising the Past
Cristina MOSCONI | Andi SMART | Fabrizio NEVOLA
(University of Exeter, United Kingdom)
(alphabetical order)
Chiara CAPULLI | Cristina MOSCONI | Fabrizio NEVOLA, Italy: The 3D Model of the Lost Church of San Pier Maggiore (PDF 0,9 MB)
Tiago Cruz, Portugal: Visualizing the Past through the Virtual Image (PDF 0,6 MB)
Francesco GABELLONE | Maria CHIFFI | Angela CIANCIO | Luigi LA ROCCA, Italy: Integrated 3D-based technologies for a critical reading of Mount Sannace’s Archaeological evidences (PDF 1,5 MB)
Marc GRELLERT, Germany: The Medieval Jewish Quarter in Cologne (PDF 1,4 MB)
Henry-Louis GUILLAUME, Belgium: Good practices necessity on 3D on-line museum models publications (PDF 1,3 MB)
Benjamin HANUSSEK, Poland: Designing the Past (Together) (PDF 2,5 MB)
Beate HETÉNYI | Jan REIMANN, Germany: Multidimensional Stage for Historical Experience (PDF 1,0 MB)
Milan HORŇÁK | Erik HRNČIARIK | Jana MINAROVIECH, Slovakia: Hypothetical reconstruction of a late ancient manor house at Podunajské Biskupice (PDF 0,7 MB)
Piotr KUROCZYŃSKI | Julia MERZ, Germany: Visualizing the medieval cities Mainz, Worms and Speyer (800/1200) (PDF 0,8 MB)
Marie-Anne PARADIS, Canada | Théophane NICOLAS |Ronan GAUGNE | Jean-Baptiste BARREAU | Réginald AUGER, Canada | Valérie GOURANTON, France: VR environment for the Intendance’s palace in Quebec city (PDF 0,5 MB)
Archaeological Prospection by Lidar Beyond Simple Hillshading
Irmela HERZOG1 | Michael DONEUS2
(1LVR-Amt für Bodendenkmalpflege im Rheinland, Germany | 2University of Vienna, Austria)
(order of lectures)
Jakob ROM | Florian HAAS | Manuel STARK | Fabian DREMEL, Germany | Hermann GENZ, Lebanon | Karin KOPETZKY, Austria: Between Land and Sea (PDF 2,6 MB)
Wendy MORRISON |Edward PEVELER, UK: Beacons of the Past (PDF 1,2 MB)
Irmela HERZOG, Germany | Michael DONEUS, Austria | Maria SHINOTO, Germany | Hideyuki HAIJIMA | Naoko NAKAMURA, Japan: Testing ALS Visualisation Methods for Detecting Kiln Remains in a Densely Vegetated Area in Japan (PDF 1,5 MB)
M. Fabian MEYER-HEẞ | Ingo PFEFFER | Carsten JÜRGENS, Germany: Separating mounds from mounds (PDF 1,1 MB)
Bashir KAZIMI | Katharina MALEK | Frank THIEMANN | Monika SESTER, Germany: Semi Supervised Learning for Archaeological Object Detection in Digital Terrain Models (PDF 1,5 MB)
Øivind Due TRIER, Norway: Detection of cultural heritage in airborne laser scanning data using Faster RCNN (PDF 0,7 MB)
Agnes SCHNEIDER, Germany: Looking at LiDAR pixel-by-pixel (PDF 3,6 MB)
Maja SOMRAK | Žiga KOKALJ | Sašo DŽEROSKI, Slovenia: Classifying objects from ALS-derived visualizations of ancient Maya settlements using convolutional neural networks (PDF 1,4 MB)
Jürgen LANDAUER | Ralf HESSE, Germany: Machine learning for large area archaeological feature detection (PDF 1,1 MB)
Round Table
Citizen Participation in Archaeology in the Digital Era
Elisabeth MONAMY1 | Sigrid PETER2
(1Archeomuse, Austria & Universität Bern, Switzerland | 2Association for preservation and research of castle „Ried am Riederberg“, Austria)
(order of impetus lectures)
Raimund KARL, UK: Participation in archaeological heritage as a fundamental Human Right (PDF 0,4 MB)
Claire FRAMPTON, UK: Citizen participation which integrates technologies engaging with archaeology related issues (PDF 0,4 MB)
Edward PEVELER | Wendy MORRISON, UK: Beacons of the Past: Citizen Science and Community Engagement in the Chilterns (PDF 1,0 MB)
Bernhard ARNOLD, Austria: Boosting public participation in archaeology using test-pit excavations in Austria (PDF 0,5 MB)
Ingeborg Gaisbauer, Austria: Working with archaeological finds – the “Initiative Seniorarchäologie” (PDF 0,7 MB)
Sigrid PETER, Austria: Of preserved ruins and ruined castles (PDF 0,7 MB)
Miriam WEBERSTORFER | Emanuel KASPAR, Austria: Augmented Reality-based Treasure Hunts in Cultural Mediation (PDF 0,7 MB)
Elisabeth MONAMY, Austria: Who needs citizen participation?
Heritage-BIM between Survey, Planning and Management
( 1Hochschule Mainz – University of Applied Sciences, Germany | 2hochform. Architekten ZT GmbH, Austria)
(alphabetical order)
Paolo BORIN | Ludovica GALEAZZO, Italy: BIM Concepts to Unveil 19th Century Housing in the Venetian Ghetto (PDF 1,0 MB)
Naoki MORI | Salman ALMAHARI | Tokihisa HIGO | Kaoru SUEMORI | Hiroshi SUITA | Yoshihiro YASUMURO, Japan: Quantitative Visualization of Secular Changes based on 3D Viewpoint Estimation for archaeological heritage maintenance (PDF 2,0 MB)
Martin SCHAICH, Germany: 3D documentation of the monastery church St. Michael in Bamberg – process chains of a BigData project (PDF 1,8 MB)
Eleni ZAROGIANNI | Konstantina SIOUNTRI | Neoptolemos MICHAILIDIS | Dimitrios D. VERGADOS, Greece: Pathology detection for HBIM application on a Byzantine church in Axos village in Crete, Greece (PDF 1,3 MB)
PhD/Master session 2019
Martina POLIG
(Science and Technology in Archaeology Research Center (STARC), Cyprus)
(alphabetical order)
Paola DERUDAS, Sweden: Documenting, Interpreting, Publishing, Re-using (PDF 0,5 MB)
Klaus FREITAG, Austria: Resources and Roman Land-use in Southeast Noricum (PDF 1,1 MB)
Franziska REITER | Johannes TINTNER | Bernhard SPANGL | Ena SMIDT | Michael GRABNER, Austria: Infrared spectroscopy as a tool to estimate the age of wood (PDF 0,8 MB)
Jona SCHLEGEL, Austria | Petra SCHNEIDHOFER, Norway | Mario WALLNER | Jakob KAINZ | Wolfgang NEUBAUER, Austria | Holger SCHAAF, Germany: The pottery production center of Speicher-Herforst (PDF 2,5 MB)
Valentina VASSALLO, Cyprus: Re-examining a 20th century archaeological excavation in 3D GIS (PDF 0,7 MB)
Mayor’s Cocktail
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
In Honour of Willem BEEX!
Benno RIDDERHOF1 | Giorgio VERDIANI2 | Wolfgang BÖRNER3
(1University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 2University of Florence, Italy | 3Urban Archaeology of Vienna, Austria)
Giorgio VERDIANI, Italy | Gilbert SOETERS, The Netherlands: Maastricht, the city, the maquette and the collection at the Palais des Beaux-Arts in Lille (France) (PDF 1,8 MB)
Bert BROUWENSTIJN, The Netherlands: Knowledge Hub Willem Beex
Benno RIDDERHOF, The Netherlands: Muro Tenente 1997-2001: the first total excavation
Stephen STEAD, UK: Angry Young Men: 35 years of shouting and banging on tables
Wolfgang BÖRNER, Austria: The long way with CHNT
Round Tables
Visitor-Centered Intelligence for Cultural Heritage Sites
Andi SMART | Pikakshi MANCHANDA | David ROSS | Cristina MOSCONI
(University of Exeter, United Kingdom)
(alphabetical order)
Ali S. KIRAN | Celal KAPLAN, USA: Analytics in Action – Optimizing Visitor Flow through Simulation Modelling (PDF 1,0 MB)
Lars WOHLERS, Germany: The Future of Exhibit-Evaluation is digital (PDF 2,3 MB)
FAIR Archaeology: Introducing ARIADNEplus and SEADDA
Edeltraud ASPÖCK | Guntram GESER | Gerald HIEBEL | Julian RICHARDS | Martina TROGNITZ
(Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities, Austria)
(order of impetus lectures)
Franco Niccolucci, Italy: The ARIADNEplus integration of archaeological datasets(PDF 0,7 MB)
Guntram GESER, Austria: ARIADNEplus and community data repositories (PDF 0,9 MB)
Julian RICHARDS, UK: Introducing SEADDA (PDF 1,1 MB)
Gerald HIEBEL | Brigit DANTHINE | Gert GOLDENBERG | Caroline GRUTSCH | Klaus HANKE | Markus STAUDT | Manuel SCHERER-WINDISCH, Austria: FAIR Prehistoric Mining Archaeology Data in the Light of ARIADNE and SEADDA (PDF 1,7 MB)
Achille FELICETTI | Ilenia GALLUCCIO, Italy: Retrieving and Integrating Archaeological Data on the Web (PDF 0,7MB)
Visualizing Hypotheses: Practical Handling of Uncertainty in Digital 3D Models
Christiane CLADOS1 / Heike MESSEMER2
(1Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany | 2Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany)
(order of impetus lectures)
Oliver BRUDERER, Switzerland: From the fragment to the big picture (3,2 MB)
Dominik LENGYEL | Catherine TOULOUSE, Germany: Architectonic design as method of visualizing hypotheses (PDF 0,9 MB)
Marcin SZYMA | Jacek CZECHOWICZ | Krzysztof CZYŻEWSKI | Marek WALCZAK, Poland:A Digital Reconstruction of a Lost Work of Micro-Architecture (PDF 0,7)
Katharina Ute MANN, Germany: Hypothetical reconstruction of antique sculptures in colour (PDF 0,9 MB)
Advanced Archaeological Trainings
Geospatial Analysis in Archeology
Christian NEUWIRTH
(University of Salzburg – UNIGIS Distance Learning in Geoinformatics, Austria)
Lighting in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
Rebeka VITAL1 | Costas PAPADOPOULOS2 | Dorina MOULLOU3 | Lambros DOULOS3 | Pedro LUEGO4
(1Shenkar. Design. Engineering. Arts, Israel |2Netherlands | 3Greece | 4Spain)
(order of lectures)
Rebeka VITAL, Israel: Introduction to the session
Ioannis ILIADIS, Greece | Georgios ILIADIS, Portugal | Vlassis CHRISTARAS, Greece: Study for the Lighting of Four Medieval Castles in Cyprus (PDF 0,8 MB)
Pedro LUENGO, Spain: Divine Shine (PDF 0,8 MB)
Arnaud SCHENKEL | Olivier DEBEIR, Belgium : 3D scanner colorization taking into account lighting problems (PDF 1,3 MB)
Daniela CARDOSO | Georgios ILIADIS, Portugal | Ioannis ILIADIS, Greece: Night Lighting of Citania De Briteiros (PDF 1,4 MB)
Emiliya AL YAFEI, USA | Virginia BADLER, Canada |Norman BADLER | Joseph T. KIDER Jr, USA: Accurate graphics BRDF material properties and illumination for dirt and mudbrick structures (PDF 0,7 MB)
Lars Oliver GROBE, Switzerland | Andreas NOBACK | Franziska LANG, Germany | Luise SCHINTLMEISTER | Helmut SCHWAIGER, Austria: Daylight scattering by late antique window glass from Ephesos (PDF 1,3 MB)
Round Tables
Teaching Digital Methods
Nadine ALPINO1 │ Stephen STEAD2
(1DOKU PLUS S.à r.l., Luxembourg | 2Paveprime Ltd., UK)
Sandra HEINSCH-KUNTNER, Austria: Teaching „Digital Cultural Heritage“ (PDF 0,7 MB)
Digital Archiving: Questions, Problems, Examples and Answers(?)
David BIBBY1 / Christoph BLESL2 | Reiner GÖLDNER3
(1Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart, Germany | 2Federal Monumentum Board of Austria, Austria | 3Saxon Archaeological Heritage Office, Germany)
(order of impetus lectures)
David BIBBY, Germany: Digital Archaeological Archiving in Baden-Württemberg, Germany (PDF 0,9 MB)
Simon GIESER | Katrin WOLTERS, Germany: Digital Archiving with the database application PGIS (PDF 1,0 MB)
Nicole HIGH-STESKAL | Laura REMBART, Austria: The lifecycle of pottery data (PDF 1,2 MB)
Reiner GÖLDNER, Germany: Archiving by Analogization !?
3D Excavation Geodata and GIS
Reiner GÖLDNER1 | David BIBBY2
(1Saxon Archaeological Heritage Office, Germany | 2Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Baden-Württemberg, Germany)
(order of impetus lectures)
David BIBBY, Germany: The Ongoing Development of Survey2GIS and the potential of Free and Open Source GIS for Data Collection and Analysis on Excavation (PDF 0,9 MB)
Reiner GÖLDNER, Germany: TachyGIS – An Idea to Survey Archaeological Excavations with Total Station and GIS (PDF 1,3 MB)
Christian TRAPP | Reiner GÖLDNER, Germany: Developing Tachy2GIS – Result and Perspective
Christof SCHUBERT | Reiner GÖLDNER, Germany: First Experiences Using TachyGIS in Excavation Practice
Science Slam
“This is how we know…”
Marleen de KRAMER1 | Piotr KUROCZYŃSKI2
(1University of Luxembourg | 2Arbeitsgruppe Digitale Rekonstruktion, Germany)
Special App Award
App Award
Michael KLEIN | Günther WEINLINGER
(7reasons, Austria)
(alphabetical order)
Dimitar FILIPOV, Bulgaria: Parallel
John FILLWALK | Bernhard FRISCHER, USA: Virtual Meridian Augustus
Lijun MA | Xiaobo LU, China: The VR Museum for Dunhuang Cultural Heritage Digitization Research
Fabrizio NEVOLA, UK: Hidden Florence
Kasra SEIRAFI, Austria: Heroes of the Roman Age
Aspasia TSATSOULI, Greece: Walk the Wall Athens
Sandra L. LÓPEZ VARELA, Mexico: México Alternativo/Alternative Mexico
Closing Ceremony
Informal Farewell
(Place will be announced soon)
(4D-IT GmbH, Austria)
(alphabetical order)
Saadia AIT LYAZIDI | Mustapha HADDAD |Taibi LAMHASNI | Abdelouahed BEN-NCER, Morocco | Alessandra BONAZZA, Italy: Air pollution impact on Mediterranean architectural heritage (PDF 1,4 MB)
Giovanni ANZANI |Olimpia GALATOLO | Francesco ALGOSTINO | Eleonora CECCONI, Italy: From un-real to real and return (PDF 0,9 MB)
Michael BOMMHARDT-RICHTER | Hilmar BOCHMANN | Marco BLOCK-BERLITZ, Germany: Robust radio link solution for a semi-autonomous underwater vehicle (PDF 0,9 MB)
Annalina CALDARARO, Italy: Torre degli Embrici: a sign of ancient cultures (PDF 1,0 MB)
Gianluca CANTORO | Christina TSIGONAKI, Greece: Investigating the Mount Οxa(PDF 1,1 MB)
Eleonora CECCONI, Italy: ”Wrapping ruins around buildings” (PDF 1,1 MB)
Peter DARE | Maria PAPAIOANNOU, Canada: Terrestrial Laser Scanning of the Early Christian Basilica of Christ of Jerusalem on the island of Kalymnos (PDF 1,2 MB)
Livia ENDERLI, Switzerland: Fact or Hypothesis (PDF 0,8 MB)
Francesco GABELLONE, Italy: Serious games and multimodal approaches for the enhancement of learning (PDF 1,6 MB)
Luís GONÇALVES | Renato HENRIQUES | Luciano VILAS BOAS | Ana MS BETTENCOURT, Portugal: Use of UAV’s and geophysical prospection as a way to promote pre-historical archaeological heritage (PDF 3,4 MB)
Sandra HEINSCH-KUNTNER, Austria: Teaching „Digital Cultural Heritage“ (PDF 0,7 MB)
Ali S. KIRAN | Celal KAPLAN, USA: Analytics in Action – Optimizing Visitor Flow through Simulation Modelling (PDF 1,0 MB)
Lijun MA | Xiaobo LU | Qiong WU, China: The VR Museum for Dunhuang Cultural Heritage Digitization Research (PDF 3,7 MB)
Sara MAGGI, Italy: A crypt in the wood (PDF 1,3 MB)
Ambra MARAMAI, Italy: Digital survey as a diagnostic tool (PDF 2,3 MB)
Silvia MARRAS |Federica BRACALENTI | Fabiola POLLINZI, Italy: Harbour infrastructures from different pasts (PDF 0,3 MB)
Sergiu MUSTEAȚĂ, Republic of Moldova: The Hidden Histories of the Republic Of Moldova (PDF 0,5 MB)
Gregor POBEŽIN, Slovenia: (Re)tracing History without Boundaries (PDF 1,0 MB)
Sazuman SAZAK, Turkey: A method suggestion to protect Historic City Silhouette(PDF 0,5 MB)
Nikolaos VLAVIANOS | Takehiko NAGAKURA, USA: AthosAR: 3D Scanning The Monastery of Simonos Petra