Cultural Heritage and New Technologies 2014: disponibile il programma

chnt-2013-droneLa 19a edizione dell'International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies(CHNT) si terrà a Vienna dal 3 al 5 Novembre 2014. E' ora disponibile il programma che portà subire modifiche. La conferenza è organizzata in più sessioni dedicate all'impiego di tecnologie innnovative per il rilievo, il monitoraggio e la conservazione dei beni culturali: acquisizione e gestione dei dati, utilizzo di UAV, analisi forensi ed antropologiche. Numerosi le presentazioni di lavori di ricerca e applicativi italiani.

Tra le novità di quest'anno oltre alle Sessioni Poster e Video, ci sono gli "Advanced Archaeological Trainings", momenti formativi dedicati all'approfondimento di specifiche tecnologie per la documentazione archeologica, ovvero sui temi:

- Geodata processing with free software: gvSIG CE and the GRASS GIS plug-in
- Cultural Heritage Geospatial Infrastructures – a fundament for collaboration and exchange 
- Survey2gis: a flexible, open source solution for transferring survey data into GIS
- Generating 3D point clouds from digital image sequences (3D ImageScan)
- Digital recording of features, monuments and excavations
- Poster 2.0 – Reinventing poster design
- Intrasis Workshop

Sono aperte le iscrizionini (form di registrazione)



NOTIFICATION (not finished yet) – started June 20th, 2014

Marc GRELLERT | Jochen SCHMID, Germany: Oriental Adventures – The excavations at Tell Halaf – Syria

Complex Archaeology meets Complex Technology
Chairs: Wolfgang BÖRNER, Austria / Benjamin DUCKE, Germany / Benno RIDDERHOF, The Netherlands
Josef GSPURNING | Susanne LAMM | Patrick MARKO | Wolfgang SULZER | Susanne TIEFENGRABER, Austria: Geospatial Technologies for Investigating Roman Settlement Structures in the Noric-Pannonian Borderland – Selected Aspects of a New Research Project
G. Di GIACOMO | G. SCARDOZZI, Italy: A GIScloud system for the knowledge and data sharing and management: Urban Archaeology and Smart City solutions for Culture and Turism in Lecce (Apulia, Italy)
F. GABELLONE | et alii, Italy: Methodological Approaches and ICT Solutions for Smart Cities
Joseph SCHULDENREIN, USA: Geoarchaeological Methods in Urban Archaeology: A Case Study from Manhattan Island
Rowin VAN LANEN, The Netherlands: Surveying past movement: how large-scale landscape archaeological research can aid to the reconstruction, analyses and prediction of Roman and early-medieval infrastructure in the Netherlands
Jaap Evert ABRAHAMSE | Menne KOSIAN, The Netherlands: The Atlas of Urbanization in the Netherlands. – A millennium of spatial developments
S. G. MALATESTA | V. CIRILLI, Italy: The HyperColumna Project
Irmela HERZOG, Germany: Analysing settlement processes in the Bergisches Land, Germany
Marco TOCCHI, Italy: Old town centers documentation for their conservation and security
Laure SALIGNY | Xavier RODIER, France: Study of the urban dynamics by a new computer application
Daniel PLETINCKX | Carlotta CAPURRO | Dries NOLLET, Belgium: Reconstruction of the interior of the Saint Salvator abbey of Ename around 1290
Giulia DIONISIO | Anna Margherita JASINK, Italy: Usable but not suitable: traditional versus new technological display. The Aegean Collection in the National Archaeological Museum of Florence
Jörg RÄTHER, Germany: archaeoDox – Information management from the dig into the archive
Frank FÖRSTER | Reinhold GOSS, Germany: CaveOne©: A database system and its application to prehistoric rock art recording and analysis in the ‚Cave of Beasts’ (Egypt)
Carlo Battini, Italy: Augmented Reality applied to the archaeological excavations

Archaeological Field Survey, Prospection, Interpretation and Analysis
Chair: Willem BEEX, The Netherlands
Willem BEEX, The Netherlands: Introduction for the Session
Marco TOCCHI, Italy: Transformations and evolution, the old town centers in the historical maps
Joris COOLEN, Austria: Scatters, cropmarks and anomalies: integrating field survey data in the Kreuttal area, Lower Austria
Omran GARAZHIAN, Iran: Archeological field survey, sounding and engagement to human being in Tapeh Damghani, Sabzevar, Northeastern Iran
Francesco Uliano SCELZA, Italy: The GIS of the territory of Poseidonia-Paestum
Marilena COZZOLINO | Federica FASANO, Italy: The Latin Colony of Aesernia: integrated researches related to urban geo-archaeology realized through a combined use of historical sources, archaeological survey, 3D photogrammetric reconstructions and non invasive geophysical prospections
Kasper HANUS | Emilia SMAGUR, Poland /Australia: Filling the gap. Investigation of moated sites in NW Cambodia
Marilena COZZOLINO | Elisa DI GIOVANNI, Italy: Geophysical Prospection applied to the historical Centers

Rubble, Ruins and Reading, specific approaches in analysis – Trying to let the remains telling the story
Chairs: Stefano COLUMBU / Giorgio VERDIANI, Italy
Mirco PUCCI, Italy: Photogrammetry of the Microcosms: investigating the landscape of single stones to create bases of knowledge
Stefano COLUMBU | Giorgio VERDIANI, Italy: The church of St. Saturnino in Cagliari, Sardinia, reading the levels of history through the use of digital survey and the petrophysical study of materials
Maria Teresa BARTOLI, Italy: The unusual shape of Palazzo Vecchio in Florence
Stefano COLUMBU | Antonio CAZZANI | Alessandro RUGGIERI, Italy: Relations between static-structural aspects, construction phases and building materials of San Saturnino Basilica (Cagliari, Italy)
Alessandro MERLO | Andrea ALIPERTA, Italy: The fortified settlement of Bivignano. Computer graphic tools in analysis and its representation
Alberto VIRDIS | Rossana MARTORELLI | Lorenzo TANZINI | Fabio PINNA | Stefano COLUMBU | Marco MARCHI | Fabio SITZIA| Marcella PALOMBA, Italy: Romanesque and territory. The construction materials of Sardinian medieval churches: new approaches to the valorization, conservation and restoration
Stefano COLUMBU | Marco MARCHI | Marcella PALOMBA | Fabio SITZIA, Italy: Alteration of stone materials on Sardinian medieval monuments: physical, chemical and petrographic analysis for their restoration and preservation
Piotr KUROCZYŃSKI | Oliver HAUCK, Germany: Cultural Heritage Markup Language – How to record and preserve 3D assets of digital reconstruction
Christopher COURAULT | Rafael ORTIZ CORDERO, Spain: “Enlarge virtual reality” as a new tool for research, conservation and tansmission support: The case of the northern sector of the Roman City Wall of Cordoba
Luca CIPRIANI | Filippo FANTINI; Italy: Ravenna’s Archaeological Heritage: technique integration for accurate documentation through 3D digital models
Robert SZEMZÖ, Slovakia: Documentation of historical approaches used for creation of medieval polychrome sculptures by means of three-dimensional reconstruction
Hansjörg THALER, Italy: Towards a Semantic Archaeology

UAV4urban_archaeology: Recording archaeological sites and monuments with UAVs
Chairs: Marco BLOCK-BERLITZ / Benjamin DUCKE, Germany / Peter DORNINGER / Christian BRIESE, Austria
Christof SCHUBERT, Germany: Multicopters – an everyday documentation tool for archaeologists?
Marco BLOCK-BERLITZ | Benjamin DUCKE, Germany: My drone is cheaper than yours: the possibilites of UAVs and image-based 3D reconstruction using consumer grade hardware
Christian SEITZ, Germany: From ArchEye to ArchEyeAutomatic
Christian BRIESE | Martin PFENNIGBAUER | Michael DONEUS | Andreas ULLRICH, Austria: Radiometric Information from UAS-Borne Close Range Lidar
Toni SCHIEMANK | Marco BLOCK-BERLITZ, Germany: The autonomous, flying archaeologists of the future
Peter DORNINGER | Dominik KRAWCZYK | Clemens NOTHEGGER, Austria: Scan-Copter – UAV-Based High-Resolution LiDAR

Chairs: Michael DONEUS / Benjamin STANGL, Austria
Ronny WEßLING, Austria: Large- scale high-resolution landscape modelling of coastal areas with Kite Aerial Photography
Angela MANCUSO | Andrea PASQUALI, Italy: Different ways lead to different results? Experiences on modern photogrammetric surveying of Cultural Heritage subjects
Jonas BRUSCHKE | Markus WACKER, Germany: A new digital documentation tool for the 3D-reconstruction process
Nermine Mahmoud SHOUKRY, Egypt: Documentation and Preservation of historical Cairo Cultural Heritage and its relation to urban tourism through the use of New Technologies
Lucia ARGENTO, Italy: GIS systems for research and analysis of environment and archaeological settlements
Lukasz MISZK, Poland: Forming 3D Database for Classical Sites on The Example of Nea Paphos (Cyprus)
Dominique VAN DOKKUM | Benno RIDDERHOF, The Netherlands: Italian city-states a data warehouse for the true story of sex, murder and mayhem in 15th century Italy
Karolina ROSIŃSKA-BALIK, Poland: From Sketch to Virtual Reality. The Case Study of Ancient Brewery from Tell el-Farkha, Egypt

Processing old/old fashioned excavations-a useful struggle for information?
Chairs: Ingeborg GAISBAUER / Christoph OELLERER, Austria
David BIBBY, Germany: Ludwig Leiner’s Last Laugh
Arvi HAAK, Estland: In the middle of a small town: reanalysis of excavations next to the market place of Viljandi, South Estonia
Christoph BLESL | Ingeborg GAISBAUER | Doris SCHÖN, Austria: Reset and Start – The reanalysis and new presentation of an old excavation in Vienna’s historical and topographical core
Visa IMMONEN, Finland: Extracting information through reconstruction: Two case studies of old urban excavations in Turku, Finland
Liisa SEPPÄNEN, Finland: Is the output worth of input? Estimating the value of past excavations for new information
Benno RIDDERHOF / J. BAZELMANS, The Netherlands: Dorestad: The Final word. (And they said it could not be done)
Stephen STEAD | Jonathan WHITSON-CLOUD | Dominic OLDMAN, UK: Exploring inferences, time and space in the annotation of museum catalogues: The Sloane virtual exhibition experience

“Analysing the Dead” – Archaeological anthropological and forensic recording and analysis of human/animal remains.
Chairs: David BIBBY, Germany / Ann DEGRAEVE, Belgium / Karen WILTSCHKE-SCHROTTA, Austria/ Raphaël PANHUYSEN, The Netherlands
Amanda MURPHY, UK: Lost, But Not Alone: Burial records as a means of determining absolute taphonomic loss by age in cemetery populations
Emilie PEREZ, France: Ages of children and burial rites: Evolution of child graves organization in medieval cemeteries
Raphael PANHUYSEN, The Netherlands: United in a grave, analysing multiple burials in Merovingian Maastricht
Gilbert SOETERS, The Netherlands: “They shoot horses, don’t they?”
Claudia RADU | Norbert SZEREDAI | Demjen ANDREA | Oana PONTA, Romania: Applying a biocultural approach in the analysis of the Late Medieval/Early Modern population from Gheorgheni (Romania)
Jay CARVER, UK: The charter house 25, a window to the Black Death
Benno RIDDERHOF, The Netherlands: Custer and the Battle of Little Bighorn, American iconography versus archaeology
John P. ZEITLER, Germany: Crisscross orientation in a late medieval and early modern cemetery in Nürnberg: facts and interpretations
Claudia Maria MELISCH | Peter RAUXLOH | Natasha POWERS | Ines GARLISCH, Germany / UK: Medieval space and population
Valeria AMORETTI | Francesco CARRERA, Italy: New methodologies and perspectives in analyzing taphonomy: the deviant burial of San Cerbone in Baratti (Tuscany, Italy)
Filipa NETO | Ana Lema SEABRA, Portugal: What to do with data: Portuguese information system for anthropological and funerary data
Cristina BARROSO | Filipa NETO | Ana Lema SEABRA, Portugal: Piecing together terminology in bioarcheology: defining concepts
Timo SEREGÉLY, Germany: Human and animal remains from three eras – new documentation methods of a vertical cave of the Northern Franconian low mountain range and its inventory
Ilse TIMPERMAN, UK: Early Niche Graves in the Turfan Basin (c. 300 BCE–300 CE): A Critical Approach to Data Mining
Petra RAJIĆ ŠIKANJIĆ | Daria LOŽNJAK DIZDAR, Croatia: Creating the database of Urnfield burials from northern Croatia

Poster Session (6th Poster Award)
Chairs: Peter DORNINGER / Christian BRIESE, Austria
Irmela HERZOG | Alden YÉPEZ , Germany / Ecuador: Analyzing Patterns of Movement and of settlement in the East-Andean Mountains of Ecuador
Giada CERRI | Federica CORSINI, Italy: Digital reconstruction and analysis of the Nari’s monument in Florence, a Bartolomeo Ammannati’s statue from the St. Annunziata church to the Bargello national museum
Giovanni ANZANI | Francesco ALGOSTINO | Elenonora CECCONI | Francesco TIOLI, Italy: Digital 3D print and reverse engineering for Cultural Heritage, the experience of the LMA (Architectural Modelling Laboratory) of the Didalabs system in Florence
Giorgio VERDIANI | Anna FRASCARI, Italy: The Mausoleums of the ancient Caria, guidelines for a digital approach
Andrea ALIPERTA | Carlo GIRA, Italy: The Curch of Meryem Ana in Göreme, Cappadocia. New life in prototyping and augmented reality
Ruth CEBRIÁN JORGE | Natalia Rubio CAMARILLO, Spain: Analysis of the distortion model of traditional architecture and its effect on Gran Canarias heritage
Tomoyuki USAMI, Japan: GIS-based study of the distribution of jar-burials in the Middle Yayoi period in Northern Kyushu (Japan)
Paolo FORMAGLINI | Filippo GIANSANTI, Italy: The “Banuelo” at the ancient entrance of Granada, survey and analysis in a fully digital approach
Maureen L. KING | Colleen M. BECK, USA: The Archaeology of Atmospheric Nuclear Test Sites
Hans-Werner BARTZ | Aline DEICKE | Anna NEOVESKY, Germany: PBF Online – Digitizing the project “Prähistorische Bronzefunde”
Francesca RAFANELLI, Italy: The complex of St. Daniel in Göreme, Cappadocia
Tatiana PIGNATALE | Andrea LEONARDI, Italy: Intangible Heritage, fairy tales and myths, structure for a research about the underground popular imagination and its link to architecture and archaeology
Jacopo BARDI, Italy: Diagnosis of the theatrical Cultural Heritage in Florence
Gerald RAAB, Austria: Aerial survey around Hamadab (Northsudan)
Cristina BASSI | Valeria AMORETTI | Alex FONTANA, Italy: The importance of combined study of human/dog remains in archaeology: the uncommon case of the late roman cemetery from Via Tommaso Gar (TN)
Panaiotis KRUKLIDIS, Italy: Communication of Historical and Cultural Heritage Environment
Johari Hussein AMAR, Australia: Conservation of Cultural Built Heritage
Antonio CAZZANI | Alessandro RUGGIERI, Italy: The Basilica of S. Antioco of Sulki (south-west of Sardinia, Italy): evolution of architecture through the reading of the elevations
Georg GANGL, Austria: Observational seismology on the 1895-Lubljana earthquake: Historical reports, “unstructured” data, macroseismic classification, and practical application
Morteza JAHANGARDI | Naser Hafezi MOGHADDAS |Omran GRAZHIAN, Iran: Ground Penetrating Radar Prospection at Tepe Damghani, Iran
Andrea SICHI |Carolina ROSINI, Italy: S. Johannes in Jerusalem Church, in Poggibonsi. A disclosed mystery?
Vladimir IONESOV | Vera KURINA, Russia: The things and people: to new creative communication of urban landscape
Mariam Ibrahim ALMULLA, Qatar: A Narrative of Collecting and Interpreting Cultural Materials
Ivo TOPALILOV | Nina TOLEVA, Bulgaria: The Episcopal Basilica in Philippopolis, Thrace (modern Plovdiv, Bulgaria): Challenge of Socialization and Exponation
Luca BOMBARDIERI | Anna Margherita JASINK | Panaiotis KRUKLIDIS, Italy: The Gallery and the Town: the Florentine Bronze Age Aegean and Cypriote Collections beyond the Museum walls
Ira DILLENIA | Lestari Cendikia DEWI, Indonesia: Marine Environmental Status and Biodiversity Analysis for Supporting Marine Archaeological Sites Sustainability in Teluk Kao, Indonesia
Herwig ZEINER | Silvia RUSSEGGER, Austria: NFC – in the Use for Culture 2.0
Stéphane GIRAUDEAU | Valentina FANTINI | Jacopo DE PAOLA, Italy: ”Abandoned Art Nouveau as a research tool: comparing two different methods“

Video Session (3rd Video Award)
Chair: 7reasons, Austria
Stefan REUSS | Piotr KUROCZYŃSKI, Germany: Virtual reconstruction of baroque palaces in former East Prussia
Andrea BRAGHIROLI, Italy: Gladiators combat
Panaiotis KRUKLIDIS, Italy: Communication of Historical and Cultural Heritage Environment
Marco BLOCK-BERLITZ |Reinhard JUNG | Marco PACCIARELLI, Germany/Austria/Italy: Three dimensions and one crash: Recording Punta di Zambrone (Italy) from above
Round Tables
The questions and problems never change! – From Roman to Medieval / Early Modern Pottery
Chairs: Ursula EISENMENGER / Ingeborg GAISBAUER, Austria
New Perspective in authenticity, restoration and characterization of cultural heritage by using new Archaeometric Techniques
Chairs| Recep KARADAĞ / Ali Akın AKYOL / Mahmut AYDIN, Turkey
Ali Akın AKYOL, Turkey: Laboratorıal based Archaeometrıcal Studıes in Turkey
Mahmut AYDIN, Turkey: New perspective in determination authenticity of Cultural Heritage by using New Archaeometric Techniques
Viviana NICOLETTI | Nadire Mine YAR, Italy / Turkey: Why non-destructive methods used on artifacts? Key Study: Ink of Qur’an ŞE 80
Recep KARADAG, Turkey: Non-destructive Micro-analytical Methods for the Conservation of Textiles from Cultural Heritage

Advanced Archaeological Trainings
Geodata processing with free software: gvSIG CE and the GRASS GIS plug-in
Organiser: Benjamin DUCKE, Germany
Cultural Heritage Geospatial Infrastructures – a fundament for collaboration and exchange
Organiser: Markus JOBST, Austria
Survey2gis: a flexible, open source solution for transferring survey data into GIS
Organiser: David BIBBY, Germany
Generating 3D point clouds from digital image sequences (3D ImageScan)
Organiser: Dominik WESTERMANN, ArcTron, Germany
Digital recording of features, monuments and excavations
Organiser: Stefan HOHMANN, Germany / Willem BEEX, The Netherlands / Giorgio VERDIANI, Italy
in collaboration with Kubit
Poster 2.0 – Reinventing poster design
Organiser: Bert BROUWENSTIJN / Benno RIDDERHOF, The Netherlands
Intrasis Workshop
Organiser: Karin LUND, Intrasis, Sweden

Social - Evening Events
Monday, November 03 2014
7:30 pm - Opening – Wiener Planungswerkstatt
Tuesday, November 04 2014
2:00 pm - Guided Tour – Kunsthistorisches Museum (Meeting point – Registration desk)
2:00 pm - Guided Tour – Römermuseum (Meeting point – Registration desk)
6:00 pm - Guided Tour – City Hall (Meeting point – Registration desk)
7:30 pm - Mayor Cocktail Reception – Rathauskeller
Wednesday, November 05 2014
7:30 pm - Informal Farewell


Ulteriori informazioni/Further informations


Fonte: CHNT


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